Were My Colossal Blueberries Tempting Curious Visitors to Our Yard?

Darcy H.
The New Outdoors
3 min readOct 17, 2023


Tale of a Nature ‘Rewild’

Photo of wild blueberries taken by author

This summer we were utterly surprised to find so many blueberries in our yard. In eight years we’ve never noticed! Especially with such a drought in Minnesota in 2023, I couldn’t believe how the berries exploded. Late June and all through July, we could harvest a cup or more every three days. They say it could take up to three years for a plant to produce blueberries. Would it have taken eight years? Well, according to the University of Minnesota, yes. The plants may not be full size until 8–10 years after planting. They also need acidic soil and full sun. Read up on the health benefits of blueberries here.

A more natural yard

We did water the hillside this spring and we left the yard mostly wild last year, due to a lack of parts for our mower and a serious lack of ambition. This unplanned act of rewilding our yard could be helping the blueberries as well. Allowing the natural plants to establish and regrow can really bring back the insects and bees needed for pollination. According to Better Homes &Gardens.

We also took down a large old oak tree that was dying, so I suppose it could have provided more sunlight! Could it be, that our neighborly bears have been…



Darcy H.
The New Outdoors

love of outdoors, gardening and nature/wildlife, self reflection