
Blagoja Petrushev
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2021

Most successful people consider themselves happy and attribute a significant portion of their success to happiness.

Strangely, not everyone who wants to be successful is actively trying to be lucky, and the majority do not consider happiness to be something that can be influenced.

Many people do not want to take the risk and provoke their happiness, because the fear of loss is huge.

In general, most people would like to maintain the status quo rather than take a risk to create a better future.

Why do many of us prefer not to evolve to protect the status quo?

I believe that the answer is in the ultimate goal of humanity: to save his life!

We are programmed to do this, not to improve our lives.

If you want to be considered happy, you have to take risks, simply happiness and risk go together, and if you want to live an entrepreneurial life, you have to be willing to lose, and sometimes you have to be lucky.

One of the most important entrepreneurial lessons is to learn to lose as quickly as possible and to accept defeat as part of the game, without making a drama out of defeats and having them influence your future decisions.

One of the recipes for happiness according to many entrepreneurs is to always make decisions based on new circumstances, and not based on the experience you have had in similar situations, because any previous experience can create many blockages in your future decisions, to always run away from opportunities because you have had discomfort before.

It’s very important to understand that every situation has unique circumstances that happened once and in a certain way, and very rarely those circumstances can be repeated.

Another important lesson is not to think too much about the worst-case scenarios that may happen to you, but to devote all your energy to how you can do something good out of your business, and if you get into a negative movie … Then you will definitely get into a visualization of something that might happen and that you will be right about, but you do not benefit from it.

I do not mean that the dangers are not foreseen here, but simply the whole focus must be placed on the development of your business.

Happiness is a key factor in everything in life, but the most important ingredients that affect the percentage of happiness to be more certain are of course taking risk, a positive attitude, and accepting defeat as normal.

Without drama, you may be the happiest entrepreneur and you will never know that if you do not try.



Blagoja Petrushev

Futurist Entrepreneur: Shaping Mindsets and Crafting New Business Horizons Through Technology