Au Revoir, Arsene

Leo Lopez
The New Ultras
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2018

It’s finally happened. After 22 years, Arsene Wenger has decided he’s stepping away from managing Arsenal. We all knew this day was coming but it seems as if we were all still a bit unprepared for it. Some of us are so unprepared that, quite frankly, I have no clue how to approach his farewell. Amid all the heartfelt words & statements thanking him for his tutelage, the only thing I have are questions.

Should I discuss who his possible successors could be? No, no — there’ll be a time and place for that.

Do I reflect upon his glory days? Do I recall him winning the league at Old Trafford? Or should I discuss winning it at White Hart Lane, where Tottenham foolishly celebrated a pen? Do I bring up Bergkamp unlocking Leicester’s defense and finding Vieira for a goal to ensure that we’d become The Invincibles?

Or do I decide to relive the heartbreak? Do I dwell upon that Champions League Final in Paris where we were 13 minutes away from winning ol’ Big Ears? Should I curse the existence of Henrikh Larsson? Do I blame Lehmann? Do I bring up all the players we grew to love that ended up leaving us? Maybe I should mention the trophy drought? Want me to mention The Banter Era?

What if I brought up the times he was at odds with other managers? Want me to recall the Fergie beef? or the Rafa Benitez one? How about a tactical analysis of the build up to him shoving Mourinho on the touchline? Do any of us care about the others?

Would it be best that I reflect upon how he changed the game in England? Should I point out how he was, in a way, responsible for the influx of foreign players that piss off the yer da contingent? Do I share his thoughts on African players and how most just need to be given a chance to show their talent? Or would you rather I focus on the dietary and training changes? Do I really have to describe Wengerball?

What if I described the leaner years that followed the stadium financing? Is this the time to point out where exactly Wenger lost the plot? Maybe I should look at the British core? Is it better to focus on how he attempted to right the ship with the signings of Ozil and Alexis? How about I bring up him winning 3 of his record 7 FA Cups in this era?

What if I listed everything he has sacrificed for this club and his ability to step down with class despite the hostility from fans? Suddenly, I am out of questions.

Arsenal supporters always say that there’s no man bigger than the club but in my humble pinion, we got a man that made the club bigger. If there’s one thing to remember Arsene by, its that at his best, he was an Invincible and at his worst, he’s a semifinalist in a European competition. Merci pour les souvenirs, Professeur.

