Go to The New Weird
The New Weird
The New Weird is a publication dedicated to fiction that lives between the cracks. A place for surrealist literary fiction, the stranger side of magical realism, and the existential dread of cosmic horror. Weird isn’t a genre — it is a feeling that you didn’t lock the door.
Note from the editor

Welcome! If you’re interested in writing for our publication, check out the submission guide: https://medium.com/the-new-weird/write-for-the-new-weird-0daa12c08344?sk=fc35d48d74aeaeb2f7afea6eccbed785

Go to the profile of Lukas Unger
Lukas Unger
Speculative fiction writer, political science student, and socialist from Germany. Support my creative work here: https://www.patreon.com/lukasunger/posts
Go to the profile of Milena Kokova
Milena Kokova
Writer, poet, time reader, traveler, animal lover, professional alien.
Go to the profile of J. William
J. William
Hello. I value originality above all else (aside from respect and inclusivity). I love putting my readers through a whirlwind of emotion. #Michigan.
Go to the profile of Nevena Pascaleva
Nevena Pascaleva
A writer of evocative fiction and introspective personal essays. Owner of the publication "Tales of Blue".