Write For The New Weird

All Fiction Writers and Poets Welcome

Lukas Unger
The New Weird


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The Basics

The New Weird is a publication for the massive and hard-to-define category of weird fiction.

It is less of a genre, and more of a feeling. It unites diverse authors like Borges, Lovecraft and Kafka. If you’re reading weird fiction, you’ll know.

With that in mind, our publication is open to experimental and traditional pieces from various sub-genres. We’ll take everything from classic cosmic horror to abstract literary fiction.

Be creative! Be weird!

How To Join

First, follow The New Weird! You don’t wanna miss out on all the strangeness.

Leave a comment, to tell us why you’d be interested in writing for our publication, and a personal favorite story/poem/novel of yours that falls into the weird category. Don’t be shy, there are (almost) no wrong answers.

You’ll be added to the publication as a writer and can submit your draft.

Your draft doesn’t have to be perfect, but some basic editing with the help of common spellchecking programs (Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, etc.) will expedite the process and ensure a faster turnaround time.



Lukas Unger
The New Weird

Speculative Fiction writer, political science student, and socialist from Germany. Support my creative work here: https://www.patreon.com/lukasunger/posts