In Andrew Yang, the Internet Finds a Meme-Worthy Candidate

Mr. Yang’s presidential campaign has catapulted out of obscurity thanks in part to a devoted online following, including some fans he’d rather not have

Kevin Roose
6 min readMar 20, 2019
“I’m getting support from quarters I wouldn’t have expected,” Mr. Yang said. Photo: Guerin Blask

If you visit online betting market PredictIt, you’ll see a long list of 2020 Democratic candidates, ranked in order of their odds of winning the party’s nomination for president, according to the site’s users.

Joe Biden, the former vice president, and Sen. Bernie Sanders top the list. Then come other well-known Democrats: Sen. Kamala Harris, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, Andrew Yang, Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Wait, hang on a minute. Andrew Yang?

This is not an algorithm glitch, it turns out. Yang, 44, an entrepreneur and political neophyte running on the idea that the United States should provide a universal basic income, is popping up in unexpected places in the Democratic contest.

He has catapulted out of obscurity thanks in part to a devoted internet following known as the “Yang Gang.” His fans have plastered Mr. Yang into memes and produced songs and music videos about his candidacy. They have also created a hashtaggable slogan — #securethebag — out of his signature campaign proposal to give…



Kevin Roose

Tech columnist, New York Times. Author of Young Money.