How Stem Cells Work in our Auto immune system to promote Health Longevity

maria urduja osit-li
The News and Story Board
4 min readMay 11, 2021


Aging is an inevitable, process that confronts us all, through the years, biologically — our muscles and immune systems will weaken, our hair will thin, and our minds won’t be as sharp as they once were, thankfully advances in the field of regenerative medicine could counteract this decline and alleviate the symptoms of old age, through stem cell therapy and advanced technology.

The body is a dynamic multitude of cells growing, changing, dying, and being born.

These cells make up and replenish the bodies’ tissues and organs, acting in concert and communicating in fascinating ways to keep the body in good working order.

As we grow old stem cells are at the root of this process, “tasked with supplying cells to maintain normal tissue function and facilitating regeneration in response to injury.”

While our bodies grow older and our organs and faculties begin to degenerate, our stem cells are too.

Much research has gone into uncovering what happens to our stem cells as they age, like onomatopoetic stem cells, for examples which produce all the cells of the blood and immune system, actually increase in number in aging adults, and what about stem cells in our brains?

According to the latest medical research:

“One fascinating avenue of research focuses on what happens to stem cells in the brain as we age. Until the 1960s it was believed that we are born with our lifetime’s supply of brain cells, and this dogma was broken by the discovery of neural stem cells (NSCs), which reside in certain regions of the brain.”

Take Fil- AM Celebrity; Lou Baron as a breathing example among others, at the age of 76, fortunately the advent of to identify and isolate these NCS means armed with this knowledge, experts has begun to innovate ways to halt or reverse the aging process and Lou has carried on to become an Author, Singer and Actress in her 70’s.

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Read also: Recently published research from a group at Stanford University provides fascinating new insights. Using a mouse model, the team investigated the differences in NSCs between young and old mice and found that as NSCs age they do a poor job of clearing away broken proteins that can interfere with the normal functions of the cells. Aged NSCs have an increased accumulation of protein aggregates, or clumps of broken proteins. This is striking as a number of age-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, are linked to a build-up of proteins that can clog up brain cells and cause them to malfunction or die.

The researchers discovered that the inability of aged NSCs to clear broken proteins impairs their activation and production of new neurons. In the study they found that artificially stimulating the protein clearing system in aged NSCs gave them a new lease on life, restoring their ability to generate neurons, and increasing the number of active NSCs in elderly mouse brains. This type of fundamental research enhances our understanding of the biology of aging and provides the scientific underpinning for potential new treatments that could improve people’s health into old age.

Can We Treat Aging?

Although most research is far from the clinic, new drugs are being developed with the potential to treat degenerative age-related diseases, some by potentially promoting stem cell regeneration. It will take time and controlled clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of these treatments. In the meantime, some companies are harvesting and freezing young stem cells, with the hope that the cells will be useful in the future and will be able to delay or reverse aging. While this may sound appealing, at the moment, “[t]here is no way to extend anybody’s life with stem cells,” as former ISSCR President Sean Morrison said in a recent interview, and consumers should be wary until further studies have been done.

The study of stem cell aging is a field of research at the cutting edge of biomedical innovation. With incremental progress, research groups around the world are uncovering the biology of why and how stem cell function declines with age. The hope is that one day this fundamental research will be translated into treatments that enhance the health and quality of life for future generations.

Special thanks to Edie Crosse, PhD student at the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh, for this guest blog post.



maria urduja osit-li
The News and Story Board

PR/Writer/Publicist "Why I prefer Avantegarde anyone's guess-it is about Independent/experimental work that people do in Arts and Entertainment."