Music Review: “Dance Again” Performed and written By: Lou Baron from the Album “Back to Romance”

maria urduja osit-li
The News and Story Board
2 min readJun 22, 2021
Lou Baron photo shoot 5–31-21 , California

Track: “Dance Again”

Album: “Back to Romance”

Artist: Lourdes Duque Baron

Music Producer: Andrew Lane

Label: Timeless Entertainment Inc.

Hollywood Music Producer Andrew Lane Image by: TresAMAG


Before writing “Dance Again” Lou logged the better part of her musical career covering legendary Musical Artists from different eras.

This jazzy samba number emerged from the 70s up to the present in the jazz and samba genres, impressively surviving through the years with samba and jazz’s captured audiences.

The duo found a smattering of success working on musical pieces — it was exactly a vehicle in which Lane — who has been in the music arena in Hollywood for quite sometime; felt free to fully express himself along with Lou’s material,which she began developing in earnest following a career move in 2014.

“Dance Again” is intensely personal and emotionally naked; it’s no coincidence that the song for several of her releases have revolved to express herself about feeling 34 at the age of 74.

Available on Spotify, sound cloud, Amazon

Check out “Dance Again” on youtube here:



maria urduja osit-li
The News and Story Board

PR/Writer/Publicist "Why I prefer Avantegarde anyone's guess-it is about Independent/experimental work that people do in Arts and Entertainment."