Hit that Emotional Sweetspot

The Next Collision
The Next Collision
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2015


By Rica Estrada

It’s been proven time and time again that buying a product is an emotional decision, rather than a rational one. More than a car’s mileage, it’s about the sense of ease the passenger feels while riding it. More than the dress’ fabric, it’s the smile in the young woman’s face as she looks at herself in the mirror. It’s those compelling emotions that win over customers, not the reasoned arguments, graphs or pretty copy. Emotions drive decisions, prompt actions and change mindsets, which leads to loyalty and affinity. This is where marketing comes in. We’re in the business of manufacturing feelings. We have to move them. We have to inspire. We have to make them laugh, cry and fall in love. We have to create that strong emotional connection between the brand and our audience.

So how do we connect with our audience?

1. we have to know what they’re looking for. What does your audience want to feel? Do they want to feel happy? Are they in the mood for sensuality? Are they looking to feel good about themselves? Once you identify your audience’s emotional gap, you can now work on giving their desired connection.

2. tell a story that your audience can relate to. Use words that resonate with them. Be vivid. Don’t just describe the product. Make your audience feel it. Create scenes that they identify with be it the humdrum of daily life or a fantasy life they have always wanted to be part of. Share their values and philosophy. Be the brand that “gets them” — be the friend they can run to, the family they long for, the lover they miss.

Take a look at a couple emotional brand campaigns:

Dove Campaign

Not all women can be a supermodel, but everyone deserves to feel beautiful. This is the main theme of Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign. This tear-jerking campaign has made women across the globe feel more beautiful and less insecure about themselves.

McDonald’s Campaign

Mc Donald’s was one of the first brands who truly understood the impact of emotions in marketing. When its competitors are busy bragging the size of its burger patty, Mc Donald’s has been creating a portrait of family enjoying a hearty lunch together or friends simply having a good time. As a result, Mc Donald’s emotional appeal has become so engrained in their audience’s psyche, that all parents feel it their duty to take their child to Mc Donald’s at least once. We are emotional beings. We respond to emotional appeals. Charts maybe accurate but emotional stories will always ring true.

Originally published at www.nextcollision.com



The Next Collision
The Next Collision

We're Storytellers - People develop an affinity to a brand when they could relate to the story it tells.