The Art of Marketing

Good vs Great

The Next Collision


Good marketing makes you look. It’s like seeing a person so attractive you can’t help but stare. You’re caught up in the moment feeling mesmerized, enamored even. But then you ride the subway, go to work and then forget all about it. Great marketing makes you remember. You find someone so interesting that no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get him (or her) out of your head. That’s the marketing we ought to go for — the memorable kind.

Marketing is the art of making people fall in love with your brand. That’s not an easy feat. First, you have to get noticed. You have to stand out from the pack. You have to be different. You have to be interesting. You have to overwhelm their senses. Once you grab their attention, you have to get them to listen. Your message has to be clear. Your message has to be compelling. And more importantly, your message must mean something to them. Then you have to leave a lasting impact — the kind that will leave an indelible mark in your audience’s mind. This can be a lingering question, a thought-provoking idea or simply the truth. Whatever it is, the message has to stick and has to be associated back to you. It doesn’t matter if you have the most stellar message if your audience can’t connect it to your brand. . It has to come full circle. Finally, you have to get your audience to talk about you. You know you’re marketing has become successful when you are able to create ambassadors who speak for your brand.

Such a complex art requires careful timing. You have to know when to strike, when to pull back and when to keep them hanging. Unforgettable marketing does not happen overnight. It takes time. A campaign takes at least 3 months to show progress. You have to learn to wait. More importantly, you have to learn to reinforce your message regularly and creatively. You have to repeat your message over and over and over but never with the same approach.

As in everything else, making a good impression is important in marketing. But it is not enough. You have to make a lasting impression, one that makes it hard for your audience to forget.

Originally published at

