Hot Chiles…………

Sarah Campbell
The Next Layer
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2012

My garden, as I have mentioned often has been less than a stellar success this year. I do firmly believe however, that gardening, like baseball, is an activity for the perpetual optimist.

There’s ALWAYS next year! Everything can change next year — or next game, or next inning, or next pitch, or whatever — you get my point. This was a learning year for the garden at this house because it was our first summer here — had to figure out the sun, animal situation, etc. Next year things can be re-arranged and re-located to a better growing place.

A few successes are that the herb garden is appropriately placed — “The right plant in the right place”, which is the mantra of most gardening experts. Anyway, the herbs are going great and with the mild winters here, the oregano, chives, thyme, rosemary, and sage will keep producing year-round. At least they all did last winter. The basil will give it up after the first few night frosts, but that’s ok — we have lots in the freezer.

Aside from that, my small pepper plants — serrano, jalapeno, and banana pepper plants are cranking out peppers by the sackful. I’m just mixing them all together, chopping them coarsely, and freezing them in quart sized freezer Zip-loc bags. They become really handy to throw into any otherwise bland vegetable dish — great alternative to salt! I made a pot of collard greens this week and added a big handful of hot peppers — VERY tasty.

Meanwhile, I’m not even going to talk about the tomatoes — I’m just thankful there are about a dozen awesome farmer’s markets 10 minutes or less from my house……………………………

And there’s always next year!

