The Next Millionaire

How to get your article published on The Next Millionaire

Share your own experience and strategies to become a millionaire, or analyze millionaires and share your findings.

Chris, PhD
The Next Millionaire


According to The Economist, there are 56 million of millionaires worldwide. Why shouldn’t you be next?

Welcome 👋

…to our community with awesome writers. We — me and my team — from aim to show as many people as possible how to become successful — both in life and in business. To this end, we form communities in the four areas of our excellence and share our experiences with you — and, of course, invite you to contribute to them.

We offer four homes for your stories

A reader who wants to become extremely successful will find a suitable community at every stage of their journey:

Personal Development meets Business — All about how to start your personal growth and — related to it — your own business.

Next Level Coding — All about coding, and online businesses (e.g., web agency, SaaS, social media marketing, …). Learn one of the most valuable skills of the 21st century, namely coding, with our community.

Learn Business — All about business, startups, and entrepreneurship; and about how to run a company.

The Next Millionaire — All about scaling a business to become the next millionaire. This also includes personal growth as an entrepreneur, investments, life and business hacks.

Submit your article to The Next Millionaire

‘The Next Millionaire’ is a publication for stories about any topics around coding, web development, and tech stuff.

The stories we target include (but are not necessarily limited to):

  • First-hand experience as a millionaire
  • Strategies and hands-on to become a millionaire
  • New perspectives/mindsets on money and business
  • Lessons learned on the way
  • Analyses of millionaires and your takeaways
  • Well-founded forecasts and trends
  • Book summaries related to this topic
  • …and many more

Concretely, the following topics may be of interest to our community: millionaires, billionaires, business, stocks, Wall Street, investments, strategies, personal growth, entrepreneur, life and business hacks, …

As you can see, the opportunities are endless as long as it’s about millionaires.

If you have ideas or discovered a new trend, no problem, just let us know. We look at every story submitted, as promised.

However, we cannot accept them all, as we want to maintain a certain standard and, therefore, welcome a certain level of writing only.

We love both: simplicity, and quality.

If you feel that your story is of high quality and adds value to the community, the process is as follows:

  1. Leave a comment here, and I will add you as a writer in the next few days.
  2. Follow us to join and connect: Chris by, The Next Millionaire, The Next Millionaire Newsletter
  3. After adding as a writer, you can submit stories (unpublished drafts) to this publication. If your story fits our quality criteria (e.g., well-written, value creation, interesting topic, relevance to our community, …), we publish it. If you do not hear from us within the next 48 hours, you can consider your request as not accepted. However, this should not discourage you from sending a new story to us, because it has all chances of acceptance again.
  4. We publish and promote your story in our community so that your article is easy to find.
  5. Share your story on your social media accounts as well to get the best reach for your story.

We reserve the right to edit your story, if necessary, and add our footer to the The Next Millionaire community.

Happy writing, and follow us to join 😃


Chris by
(👉 get to know me)



Chris, PhD
The Next Millionaire

Dad. Husband. Son. Multi-business founder + CEO. Tech PhD | Sharing valuable experience, lessons learned, and shortcuts.