Technology as the Architect of our Intimacies

Chris O'Brien
The Next Newsroom Project
3 min readSep 7, 2011

MIT professor Sherry Turkle, who has studied the relationship between people and technology for 30 years, spoke at the Berkeley Cener for New Media last night. Jen Schradie, a Berkeley graduate student and doctoral candidate, tweeted a summary of the talk.

“ RT @STurkle: Technology is the Architect of Our Intimacies. I am speaking tonight at Berkeley Center for New Media.

September 6, 2011

“ @sturkle now speaking at #calnewmedia standing room only — Colbert told her “why don’t you teach at the Mass. Institute of Friendship”schradie

September 7, 2011

“ @cturkle : At MIT in 1977, she went to a retreat entitled, “How to keep computers busy,” @calnewmedia Ah, the irony.schradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle at MIT retreat in 1977: only academics would write on a computer. One suggestion: a calendar (dismissed) All agreed on gamesschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle @calnewmedia: We have become computer’s killer apschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle in talking about the evolution of computers: “We have become the killer app” @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle re: computers and technology: No such thing as just a tool. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ 2 things happened that made @sturkle more cautionary w/ tech in 1995: socialable robotics and mobile connectivity revolution @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: I’m very prorobot I’m not a luddite. I love robots. What I don’t like in a robot is Take care of me and I’ll love you @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: identity exploring online Life on the Screen was a bit naive b/c assumed on and off in virtual/real wrld @calnewmedia.schradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: My model had not taken into account the “always on culture.” @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ Re: Life on the Screen — @sturkle: I had not taken seriously how we could bail out of the physical /real anytime we wanted to. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle. Just b/c we grow up with the Internet doesn’t mean the Internet is all grown up. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: Texting at funerals is major. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: Parents complain about kids texting at the dinner table but it’s really parents who are doing it. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle. We’d rather text than hide. It’s a technology we can hide. Online we can be who we want to be. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: We don’t allow ourselves the time to explain complicated problems. We train ourselves to answer simpler questions. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: People measure success by e-mails, calls, texts answered. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: We tell our children that world is inc. complex but we have created a com. medium that reduces time to sit & think. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: We have gone from “I have a feeling, I want to make a call” to “I want to have a feeling, I need to send a text.” @calnewmedia WOWschradie

September 7, 2011

“ What’s not being cultivated with new media is the ability to being alone to gather oneself. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011

“ @sturkle: What’s not being cultivated with new media is the ability to be alone to gather oneself. @calnewmediaschradie

September 7, 2011



Chris O'Brien
The Next Newsroom Project

Business and Technology Reporter living in Toulouse, France. Silicon Valley refugee.