Artificial Intelligence Is Really Quite Stupid

Our brains are not computers; they’re far superior.

Tom Mitchelhill
NGMI Newsletter


AI is far dumber than you think.

As your eyes roll across the words on this screen, one of the greatest marvels of biological evolution is helping you to transform the light waves emitted by thousands of tiny, flashing lights into useful information.

Sitting less than a centimetre behind your eyeballs, a grey lump of muscle holds host to tens of millions of electrical signals, all dancing between the synaptic barriers of the 120 billion neurons that make up what you call your brain.

Not only is this organ the control centre of all your immediate perceptions — sight, sound, smell, taste and touch — it’s powering your beating heart, making your lungs expand and contract, all the while simultaneously aiding you in comprehending the words as they appear on this screen.

From the moment the first single-celled organism mysteriously sprung to life in the primordial depths of the Earth’s oceans, life has waged war against the eternal abyss.

These tiny organisms engaged in a brutal and unending competition for resources, all playing out in an environment that was in conceivable way; inhospitable to organic life.

And yet here we all are, 3 and a half billion years later: standing tall as one of…

