The Profound Emptiness At The Core of Hustle Culture

Don’t listen to Andrew Tate: you don’t “escape the matrix” by enslaving yourself to money.

Tom Mitchelhill
NGMI Newsletter



Every now and again one of my social media feeds will be interrupted by a video from Andrew Tate, kindly informing me of how I should be sacrificing every last moment of my life to the pursuit of money and success.

Only then could I ever hope to be free from my earthly troubles.

While I can usually scroll post the vapid theatrics of success porn — which all too often resemble of gaudy imitation of what someone with no money imagines rich people are getting up to — a recent tweet from Kevin O’Leary really got under my skin.

It feels legitimately stupid to have to spell this out, but this increasingly pervasive narrative of “hustle until you’re free” — peddled relentlessly by the Tates and O’Learys of this world — strike me as one of the most obvious contradictions in today’s social media hellscape.

