How I Make Running Less Miserable

Time flies when you’re having fun.

An Nguyen
The Nguyen Weekly
2 min readSep 13, 2020


Running is arguably the greatest form of exercise we have at our disposal. It’s great for endurance, posture, leg strength, anxiety, and much more. But like many people, I used to hate it.

I liked the thought of running — being an athlete, exploring the great wonders of the earth on your feet, flexing on people driving by, etc. But being out of breath for thirty minutes straight sucks.

I’ve tried numerous things to make my runs less miserable such as: listening to banging EDM music, buying expensive Nike gear, and running on scenic trails. They helped, but they weren’t effective enough to make my runs enjoyable throughout the full duration.

Not until recently did I discover a technique that was able to truly tap into the toughest enemy of a run: your mind.

You ready for it?

Here it is: think of five things you are grateful for.

Stupidly simple, but stupidly effective.

By shifting your focus towards things that make you happy, you’re automatically shifting it away from how tired you are or how much of a nerd your son is. Plus, gratitude is a fantastic way to focus on the big picture and how great our lives really are.

The things that I list off will often send me into daydreams and memories that further occupy my mind. When this happens, it feels like I’m gliding along the pavement. Sometimes, I’ll snap back into the present and feel like I’ve teleported a mile or two.

If you don’t enjoy your run, you’re not going to want to do it again.

Next time you’re out, think about how beautiful the sky is, how cheerful birds sound, or how happy you are to have a pair of running shoes. You’ll be hooked on the runner’s high before you know it.

