Are We “Proudly Flaunting Our Boobs,” or Do We Simply Have Boobs and Exist?

The over-sexualisation of female breasts is getting out of control

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo by IvaFoto from Shutterstock

One of my friends recently got permanently banned from Tik Tok.

What for?

Well, she uploaded a video in which she was dancing while not wearing a bra. And you could sort of see the shape of her nipples through her oversized t-shirt. I repeat: an oversized t-shirt.

Scandalous, I know.

But according to the platform, that’s breaking their community guidelines because it depicts ‘sexual activity.’ I also have a Tik Tok account, and although I’m still there, I did have some of my videos removed for the exact reason. Practically every other female creator I talked to in the past months experienced a similar thing as well.

And sadly, what happens on social media isn’t that much different from what happens in real life.

Not wearing a bra, showing cleavage or simply having large breasts is still often seen as ‘inappropriate,’ ‘vulgar’, or ‘obscene.’ And as if we’re intentionally ‘showing off’ and shouldn’t be surprised if someone harasses us because of it.


