How the ‘Passport Bros’ Movement Reveals the Ugly Truth About Western Men

Their pursuit of ‘traditional’ women in impoverished countries couldn’t be more telling

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Image licensed from Shutterstock

If I had to rank manosphere subcultures from bad to the absolute worst, I’d definitely put incels at rock bottom. But not that high above them, I’d put ‘passport bros.’

If you haven’t come across this term yet — lucky you — it refers to a breed of men from the US and the UK who roam countries in South America, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe in search of ‘traditional’ women.

Yup, it’s essentially a reverse of the mail-order bride industry.

And just as it’s the case with men who reach for online catalogues in hopes of finding a wife, the main reason why passport bros want to pursue foreign women is that they’re fed up with the ideals and lifestyles of the Western ones.

Because unfortunately for them — and thanks to the feminist movement — the days when women had little to no choice but to be subservient baby incubators who obeyed men are mostly long gone.

Or, as passport bros claim, feminism has ‘corrupted’ women by convincing them they can do exactly what men do and deserve to demand the impossible, which is — checks notes — being treated as an…

