I’m Sick and Tired of the Submissive Slavic Woman Myth

No, we really aren’t all dying to be your house slave

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo licensed from Shutterstock

Slavic women are more traditional.

Slavic women are easier to get, especially for foreigners.

Slavic women are more feminine, naturally beautiful, submissive and obedient than those uppity Western women.

Slavic women will gladly be your house slave in exchange for American or Western citizenship because their countries are poor shitholes, and they’d do anything to escape them.

The above are just a few out of many similar things regurgitated lately by Andrew Tate, his misogynist — and largely teenage — fan base, hoards of incels and other Western men with a highly patriarchal mindset.

And according to this narrative, Eastern Europe is essentially a fairy tale land inhabited by submissive, docile and hyper-feminine supermodels who are okay with being treated like crap and dream of being grabbed off the street one day and taken to Western Wonderland.

Well. I happen to come from that mystical place where apparently all women are lobotomised at birth.

So is any of that even remotely close to being true?

