Why Women With High “Body Count” Are Still Being Slut Shamed

The sexual double standards that just won’t die

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo by stryjek from AdobeStock

I’ve never kept track of the number of people I had sex with, the so-called ‘body count.’

Sure, I could always try to recreate it from memory, but I never felt the need to know the exact number.

It just seemed silly.

But it looks like we’re still very much obsessing over it. And ‘what’s your body count?’ has recently become one of the most commonly asked questions by the army of young men with microphones in street-style interviews.

Not surprisingly, they mostly target women. And the reactions to their body counts — whether those are in single, double or triple digits — are often disgustingly sexist.

Because women who have a body count higher than 6 or 7 are apparently already ‘ran through,’ ‘used-up,’ and ‘not worth marrying.’ Because they clearly must have no ‘self-respect.’ And ‘their fathers never loved them.’

But while having a lot of sexual partners for women is a point of shame, for men, it continues to be a point of pride.

Of course.

Why are we still obsessing over something as silly as the number of people we had sex with? And why are women still judged…

