The Problem With Jordan Peterson No One Seems To Talk About

On the threat of pseudo-intellectualism and Misogyny Lite

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo of Jordan Peterson by Gage Skidmore, via WikimediaCommons

A few days ago, I got an ad for Jordan Peterson’s new Daily Wire series on Instagram, out of all places.

I imagine that happened because I recently wrote a few pieces on incels, Andrew Tate and other misogynistic groups and figures and had to do research for it.

But perhaps this had nothing to do with that, and everyone’s getting it right now.

After all, Peterson’s constellation of beliefs attracts a rather heterogenous audience — although overwhelmingly male — including Christian conservatives and men’s rights activists but also centrists, libertarians, atheists and apolitical people.

And that’s because he has something that many other right-wing darlings don’t have: a title and profession that lend a certain illusory credibility.

He’s a former University of Toronto psychology professor, successful author — his book, ’12 Rules for Life,’ has sold more than 5 million copies — and decorated intellectual. And now he gets to play the role of a stately-looking thought leader fighting off the hysterical social-justice mob obsessed with silly notions like equality.

