Welcome to the Noösphere

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2021


Photo from author’s Instagram

I was an annoying kid.

I kept asking my parents question after question after question to the point of driving them mad. Many kids are like that.

And who can blame them?

The world is a fucked up, complicated place. It’s tough to make sense of it as an adult, let alone as a kid. Asking questions — especially the right ones — can bring us a teeny-tiny bit closer to understanding the madness around us.

But many adults stop doing that. We arrive at a certain point in our lives when we feel like maybe there is nothing else to understand. Or perhaps we just don’t want to understand more. We’re content with the knowledge we already have. We’ve made up our minds about most things.

The tricky thing about knowledge is that it’s constantly evolving. Over time what we know changes, develops, or becomes more deeply understood. Many fields of study that exist today didn’t exist a hundred years ago. Or even fifty years ago. Many that have existed for centuries underwent significant changes in the last decades.

And we don’t know what else we don’t know. Or are utterly wrong about.

Despite the many scientific and technological advances developed in the last centuries, our world is still riddled with myths, biases, misconceptions, and misinformation. And the Internet…

