When Will Grown-Ass Men Like Kanye West Stop Putting Down Successful Women?
It’s almost like that’s their favourite pastime
Last week, Kanye West said he wouldn’t perform at Coachella unless fellow headliner Billie Eilish apologised to Travis Scott.
What for exactly?
Well, for stopping the concert after seeing a fan in distress. You know, like any other normal, empathetic person would in this situation. But Kanye saw it as a snub to Travis Scott and the deadly incident during his Astroworld performance last year.
Billie never even mentioned Travis’s name. Or made any reference to that tragedy whatsoever. And understandably, she refused to apologise.
But this isn’t exactly the first time Kanye is trying to attract attention to himself by bullying a young female artist and then lashing out when they don’t do his bidding. It also happened with Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. And that’s just off the top of my head.
And he isn’t the only grown-ass man who continues to be intimidated by successful women and will take any chance to tear them down.
This shit happens all the time.
In and out of the spotlight.