Why Angelina Jolie Is Being Called “Amber 2.0” for Speaking Out About Abuse

She’s just another ‘bad’ woman, after all

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo by Denis Makarenko from Shutterstock

The battle between Angelina Jolie and Bradd Pitt following their divorce has stretched for years.

But it looks like it’s still far from over.

According to a new court filling in their ongoing legal dispute over a French vineyard, Jolie accused Pitt of being ‘emotionally and physically abusive’ towards the actress and her children.

The document then describes an outburst in September 2016 as the couple and their children flew from France to California.

‘Pitt choked one of the children and struck another in the face’ and ‘grabbed Jolie by the head and shook her,’ the filing states, adding that at one point ‘he poured beer on Jolie,’ and at another, ‘he poured beer and red wine on the children.’

Days after that plane trip, the actress filed for divorce.

And, not surprisingly, ever since the news about the extent of the alleged abuse perpetuated by Pitt came out a couple of days ago, the internet mob and some media outlets started pointing their digital pitchforks at… Jolie.

Because she must be lying. Because Pitt has denied it all. Because she just wants to hurt him. Because…

