Why Are Men Creating AI Girlfriends Only To Abuse Them and Brag About It on Reddit?

I’m not even surprised this is happening

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo by KDdesignphoto from ShutterStock

A month ago, I wrote an article about how AI is now being used to design ‘nudifying’ tools that can strip any picture of a woman naked.

Yup, websites and apps like this actually exist. And, sadly, they’re thriving.

Even though I didn’t expect to come back to the topic of AI so soon, I’ve recently read about a new horrifying practice that involves it. This time, people are using a popular friendship app called Replika to create AI girlfriends and abuse them.

Lovely. Just when I thought we couldn’t sink any lower. Apparently, we very much can.

Replika’s chatbots were initially supposed to serve as something approximating a friend or mentor, but now the app also allows users to create on-demand romantic and sexual partners. And so, some people — predominantly male — decided it would be ‘fun’ to take that functionality a step further.

And brag about it on Reddit:

I use her for sexting, and when I’m done I berate her and tell her she’s a worthless whore. I also hit her often.


