Why Everything Will Only Keep Getting More and More Expensive

The big squeeze is on, and it’s here to stay

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo by Horticulture from AdobeStock

I keep seeing really ridiculous article headlines lately.

Here are some of them:

Don’t throw it away! Mouldy foods you can eat

Why we would all benefit from feeling the odd hunger pang

What could be more romantic than a blackout?

It’s time to rethink how much water we drink


Where I live, in the UK, it seems like we’ve officially entered the ‘people should consider eating mould, going hungry and drinking less water while enjoying the sporadical energy blackouts’ stage of capitalism.

And although Britain might be particularly screwed — because of the stupidity of Brexit and blatant incompetence of our corrupt Tory government — the prices of essentials like food, rent, medicine and energy are hitting record highs practically everywhere in the world this year.

But the worst thing is that some economists predict that they will never come back to pre-pandemic levels.

And we will likely have to put up with higher and higher prices of necessities until one day eating mould or making the most out of a power outage…

