Why It’s Time To Ditch the ‘Female’ and ‘Male’ Brain Nonsense

New research reveals what many suspected all along — and more

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo licensed from Shutterstock

If you’re a woman, chances are that you’ve been asked to organise someone else’s birthday party at some point in your life.

Or take notes during a work meeting where you’re not the lowest-level attendee. Or help clean up after a house party with plenty of other people left.

Because women are just better ‘at this stuff.’

We are naturally born multi-taskers, organisers, caretakers, and… cleaners. Unlike men, of course, who clearly wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if someone ever asked them to do any of the above.

After all, we’re two different species — men are from Mars, and women are from Venus.

And as the bestselling book with that title stressed over and over again — we are fundamentally different. We think differently. We behave differently. We have different skills, preferences, interests, expressions and goals, owing mainly to our biology and the ‘female’ and ‘male’ brains.

But the reality is far from being this simple.

And the findings from a recent human brain study unsurprisingly make it quite clear.

The myth that just…

