Why Kim Kardashian Struggling to Breathe in a Tiny Corset Isn’t ‘Goals’

Body ideals are once again getting out of control, and it’s mostly young girls who pay the price

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Image of Kim Kardashian at the 2024 Met Gala via DailyMail

I tried to avoid content from this year’s Met Gala, an event some have aptly called straight out of The Hunger Games.

But the many videos of Kim Kardashian visibly gasping for air in a tightly laced dress that appeared on my feed eventually got my attention.

The second eldest sibling in the Kardashian-Jenner clan is seen breathless and struggling to walk up the steps of the Met in a Maison Margiela couture dress cinched so tight at the waist it made people speculate whether she had ribs removed. Or some of her essential organs.

Worryingly, though, many initial reactions online also seemed to praise Kardashian for looking so impossibly tiny. Apparently, it’s ‘goals’ to morph your body to the point of nearly passing out in the name of beauty, fashion and — most importantly — media attention.

None of this would be as concerning if female beauty standards, particularly regarding body image, have relaxed in recent years. If women and girls have largely freed themselves from the idea that to be beautiful is to be impossibly thin. That ‘nothing tastes as good as skinny…

