Why the Problem Isn’t Just Andrew Tate and His Violent Misogyny

It’s all the men who continue to worship him even today

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo of Andrew Tate via Twitter

I didn’t expect 2022 to end with Andrew Tate being detained in a Romanian prison on allegations of sex trafficking and rape.

But it finally happened.

Here’s the thing, though.

Tate has been under investigation for sex trafficking since at least April last year when Romanian authorities first arrested him over reports that an American woman was being held captive at his house.

This so-called ‘King of Toxic Masculinity’ was also previously investigated in the UK for 11 counts of sexual abuse. But when police started looking into it, he left the UK for Romania. And he even suggested in one of his videos that he did it because it would be ‘easier to get off on rape charges’ given how ‘corrupted’ Eastern Europe is.

Well. I guess we aren’t corrupted enough.

Yet despite all of that, Tate’s rise in popularity — particularly among the younger generation of men — during the past few months has been almost unprecedented.

His online academy, called ‘Hustlers University’, got thousands of monthly paid subscribers. His social media profiles — most of which were eventually banned

