Why Wealthy Tech Elites Believe It’s Their Mission to Repopulate Earth

The not-entirely-unexpected return of eugenics

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo licensed from Shutterstock

The world population just hit 8 billion.

We’re now set to reach 10 billion or more by the turn of the century.

And although governments and world leaders are still reluctant to admit that this unprecedented population growth coupled with our current climate situation is concerning, it is.

Some experts even recognise it to be among the greatest threats to humanity today. After all, that additional 2–3 billion is bound to put immense pressure on our resources. And it could be disastrous if we do nothing to change our current consumption patterns and ensure there is enough for everyone.

But oddly enough, some people ignore all that and claim that the solution to our problems is actually… having even more babies.

Yup, that’s right.

I recently read a piece by Julia Black in the Insider, who interviewed a couple of self-proclaimed ‘pronatalist’ tech titans, Malcolm and Simone Collins, who believe just that. And they aren’t the only ones that do.

‘Pronatalism’ seems to be the latest fad amongst the ultra-rich Silicon Valley geeks who want to take ‘control of human evolution’ with…

