Why ‘Women Are Born Submissive’ Is Just a Steaming Pile of Bullshit

And yet many people still vehemently believe it to be true

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


British Vogue’s March 2023 cover featuring Rihanna, A$AP Rocky and their baby, edited by a Twitter user

A few days ago, I came across the above viral picture on Twitter.

It was posted by one of many manosphere accounts on there, alongside the following caption:

Does Rihanna look happy in this photo? When a woman is forced to be in charge, she is forced to take on the dominant masculine role. She is forced to suppress her nurturing, submissive feminine essence. She is forced to go against her nature. This is why Rihanna is not smiling.

Well. I’m not sure what’s more ridiculous: someone taking time out of their day to complain that Rihanna had the audacity to… walk in front of her man or the assertion that women are born with a ‘nurturing, submissive feminine essence.’

Of course, as a former Good Catholic Girl, I’m more than familiar with the latter. But you don’t have to be raised Catholic to grow up believing that women are ‘naturally’ inclined to be submissive, obedient and passive little creatures that should be kept barefoot and pregnant for our own good.

For quite some time, the complementarian belief that women are born submissive, and men are born dominant was commonly held across different religions…

