‘You’re Such a Simp’: Why Men Are Shamed for Treating Women Well?

Although the bar for men is still in hell, some would like to see it lowered even further

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Image licensed from Shutterstock

I don’t talk about my partner and our relationship all that often, but when I do, I’ve noticed there’s at least one or two people calling him a ‘simp.’

Derived from the word ‘simpleton,’ the term seems to have evolved in recent years from an insult for men who pander to women to sleep with them to one used to shame men for treating women… well.

A man bought you flowers to make your day better? He’s such a simp. A man does something thoughtful and sweet for you? That’s simping. A man speaks highly of his wife, girlfriend or the woman he’s seeing? Typical simp behaviour.

You don’t even need to be in a relationship to be called one, you just have to be a man who treats and talks about women as if, you know, we’re people.

But ‘simp’ is merely one of many similar terms used primarily by young men — especially those belonging to the network of misogynistic online men’s communities known as the manosphere — like ‘beta’, ‘cuck,’ ‘soft boy’ or being ‘whipped’ to shame men who overvalue women. Or at least, according to their estimate.

