Growing Like (A) Weed

J. Brandon Lowry
The No BS Guide to Medical Cannabis
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2 min readAug 26, 2019

Dear Followers,

My little science-based publication hit its first milestone this week by reaching fifty followers! That’s not really a lot compared to some of the other Medium publications out there, but for one guy writing about one topic for a couple months, I think that’s pretty damn good. So first things first: thank you for your support. It’s really heartening to know that there are people out there who appreciate the work I’m doing, and provides good motivation for me to keep going.

And now, a quick peek at what’s coming in the future. One near-term goal is to fill out my CannaBasics section a little more thoroughly. I’d like to create a series of posts that cover basic information for those new to the subject of medical marijuana. Coming soon: THC and You, an in-depth look at how THC interacts with the body.

I’m also focusing a bit more on marijuana and reproductive health issues. In laboratory studies, cannabinoids have been shown to effect reproduction in both males and females. My goal is to dig into this research a bit further and see how well this translates to humans. This general methodology will most likely become a theme for this publication, with me focusing on different areas of health for some length of time. If there’s any one in particular you’re interested in, let me know in the comments or at my email address (below).

That’s it for now. Once again, thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions/comments/requests, please leave a comment or feel free to reach out at You can also follow the No BS Guide on Twitter (at NoBSCannabis), and like/follow my page on Facebook. Until next time!

-Dr. Lowry



J. Brandon Lowry
The No BS Guide to Medical Cannabis

Nomadic scientist and writer. Topics: Writing, Fiction, and Poetry. Debut novel The Glass Frog available at