The No Bullsh*t guide to GraphQL in .Net Core

Larry Schoeneman
The No Bullsh*t guide to Tech
9 min readNov 7, 2019


This is the first in a multi-part series on getting started with GraphQL in .net core.

Just the tiniest bit of preliminary bullshit

If you’ve written any code for the web any time in the recent past, you’ve had to deal with Rest APIs. While they are useful, and a nice change from the world of SOAP, they have their drawbacks.

The biggest one is a million different URLs. Seriously, you need a fricking URL for everything. Then to keep all that shit straight you start using things like Swagger, etc. It gets messy.

Additionally, when you have a REST api, there isn’t much you can do to say “Just give me these four data fields.” Nope. No special treatment for you. You get the same shit as everyone else.

This is where GraphQL comes in. It actually gives you a nice query language for your resources. Instead of getting everything, you ask for precisely what you need. Plus, only one URL! Getting just what you need makes your mapping easier. Oh, and you can organize your data sources how ever you want and combine them all in one call if you want. (But do remember…”With great power, there must also come great responsibility!”). Try not to create a shit show.

Why are we talking about this in .net? Well, .Net pays my bills and Java, Python and whatnot don’t. So .net it is!

GraphQL — No Bullshit!



Larry Schoeneman
The No Bullsh*t guide to Tech

Software developer, technical leader, agile evangelist and all around technical pain in the ass.