Code + Learn: Learn How to Contribute to Node.js Core

Node.js Collection
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2017

Code + Learn is an in-person (and free) event series where developers receive mentoring from Node.js Core contributors to learn the step-by-step process of contributing to Node.js Core. The first Code + Learn of 2017 is happening from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on April 22 at npm, Inc. offices in Oakland, California.

This particular Code + Learn is focused on improving the diversity within the Node.js community by bringing people of underrepresented groups together to learn how to contribute to Node.js. Click here to register for the event.

Contributing to any open source project can feel intimidating, which is why and the Code + Learn events are designed to ease developers through very simple PRs that you can work on with your peers, while receiving help from Node.js Core contributors. People come to Node.js at all stages of their development career, and this is geared to all types of developers and engineers, whether you’ve been programming for six months or 15 years.

Code + Learn is a part of the Node.js Foundation and receives funding from the Foundation’s board. It is curated by the Node.js community and is supported by a group of amazing community members who volunteer their time to get more people involved in the Project. We sat down with two awesome volunteers and members of Code + Learn, Anna Henningsen and Rich Trott, to answer a few common questions about Code + Learn.

Please leave a reply, in case you have more questions, or contact them directly on social media @addaleax and @trott.

Why is Code + Learn important and who should attend?

Rich: Anyone who has not contributed code to Node.js, but wants help doing just that should attend. Code + Learn helps people understand how Node.js (specifically) and large open source projects (in general) work. And it’s important for the health of the project that more people with more diverse skills help improve the project, so Code + Learn is important to the project in that regard.

It’s also a great opportunity for Node.js people to meet each other: current contributors, interested users, and so on. Honestly, that may be the most important aspect. Among other things, it’s very humanizing when people with disparate experiences in the project work together to solve real problems. I personally believe it builds trust in the project when people work with existing contributors on a problem together.

Anna: Regarding who should attend, I would say anybody who knows a little JavaScript (or C++, if that’s what you’re interested in), and would like to contribute to a large open source project and is a bit scared or doesn’t know where to begin. This would be a good match for participating.

What are the general takeaways of Code + Learn? What can people expect to take away from this experience?

Anna: I think for most people, the biggest thing is actually getting a contribution into the Node.js Core code base — that has always been a really exciting experience on its own, whether it happens through Code + Learn or not. Aside from that, one of the really nice and somewhat unique things about attending Code + Learn is that you can also get to know a lot of the people who work on Node.js in person.

Any Code + Learn highlights that made you really happy?

Anna: It’s always a huge thing for us to see somebody who participated in a Code + Learn session come back with a second or third contribution after the event. That’s something I’m really looking forward to see more of!

How should folks prepare for Code + Learn?

Rich: I recommend people go to and try to do as much of that as they can. It’s not a requirement, but it is awfully useful. When you arrive at Code + Learn, if you have followed the instructions at that URL, you will already have all the development tools installed, the repository cloned, the binary compiled and the tests running. It leaves a lot more time for the more interesting activity of working on real problems.

Anna: Also, feel free to think about whether there is something about Node.js that you are particularly interested in or have questions about. But don’t worry too much, there’s nothing that you really need to prepare in advance.

If you are not able to make it to this Code + Learn, follow this page to find out if this event will come to your area. In addition, you don’t have to go to Code + Learn to contribute. Here’s a blog all about how best to contribute to Node.js is you are new to the experience.



Node.js Collection

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