Great Content from JSConf Budapest 2019

Node.js Collection
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8 min readNov 6, 2019

JSConf Budapest is a JSConf family member 2-day non-profit community conference about JavaScript in the beautiful Budapest, Hungary. RisingStack participated in the conf for several years as well as we did this September.

In 2019 we delivered a workshop called “High-Performance Microservices with GraphQL and Apollo” as our contribution to the event.

Now I’m happy to share the news with you that all conference talks are available online!

Top Picks by the Community:

Essential JavaScript debugging tools for the modern detective by Rebecca Hill

Debugging JavaScript can drive developers crazy. It’s not surprising when so many us stick to the trusty console.log — but there are better ways. From tracking down a critical issue in production, to simply struggling to add a new feature and not realising you’ve misread some documentation — debugging skills are used every day but it’s difficult to take the time to improve those skills when the pressure is on.

This talk will show you some really handy techniques that will level up your skills of deductive reasoning.

Take on me, web browsers! by Eva Ferreira

In 1985 pop music was mesmerized by the a-ha “Take on me” music video. It’s been almost 35 years since then, the world needs new catchy tunes with impressive video animations… on the web.

In this talk we will explore the bewitching ways we can modify web videos and create immersive experiences worthy of the ’80s using JavaScript and CSS. Let us swim in the why-not possibility of Chroma key, Rotoscoping and more video animation techniques on the web platform!

API Modernization: Building Bridges As You Cross Them by Shelley Vohr

In an ecosystem undergoing constant flux, what does it mean for an API to be modern?In this talk, I’ll discuss the work that’s taken place over the last year to deliver modern JavaScript APIs to developers in the Electron project, and the obstacles we encountered along the way.

You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of how open source projects can more effectively balance innovation with maintenance, as well as perspectives on how to appropriately consider end-users and their needs when modernization affects the code they use.

Check all JSConf videos below:

Accessibility vs latest Web APIs. Can’t we just get along? by Mauricio Palma

Unfortunately, we still treat accessibility in the same way we deal with front-end development for older browsers, something to be done at the end. What if I tell you that we can use the latest Web APIs and still offer an inclusive and accessible experience.

In this talk, you’ll learn how to combine Web APIs such as Speech Recognition and Geolocation, with performant Javascript techniques to create empathic user interfaces.

Testing in production: Ideas, experiences, limits, roadblocks by Jorge Marin

Are you afraid of testing in production? Do you test in production? Do you use real data?

By definition testing in production is hard. This talk puts together my experience testing in production a large scale system that affects millions of users. Experience, ideas, limits, roadblocks, tips and more.

Weaving the web — Programming textile-based interactions by Charlie Gerard

What if you could interact with interfaces and devices using your clothes? When we think about wearable garments, we usually think of the technology as an output. We might think of LED dresses or designer-made outfits that react to the environment but what if instead, we used this technology as an input, as a way to interact with other things.

This talk walks you through the process of making interactive clothing using conductive textile. Also Charlie shows what it can do and talks about the possibilities and limits of such technology.

Composing music with composed functions by Adam Giese

Functional programming can be difficult to learn. Although there are many practical lessons, they are often hidden through academic lingo and dry examples. What if these basics could be livened up and taught through the lens of music?

Together, we will go over some of the basics of functional programming including functional array manipulation, closure, immutability, and composing functions. Adam also shows how they can be applied to the creation of music and musical instruments using the web audio API.

How not to read the room: Creating socially awkward wearables by Stephanie Nemeth

I’m introvert. This can be bit unfortunate, when you are a person that enjoys spending a lot of their free time creating things bedazzled with LEDs… only to rarely wear them out in public. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In an effort to actually share my weird and wonderful creations with others, I decided create a wearable project that would force me to be sociable in order for it to reveal its magic.

In this talk, Stephanie shares how she used machine learning with javascript and tiny computers to make “fashion” that is responsive to the people around you and the attention you are (or aren’t) receiving.

Taming Git-osaurus Using Mystical Trees by Damini Satya Kammakomati

Raise your hands if you all start to panic when you mess up your local git workflow, trying frantically to save your work and eventually giving in to the complications thereby deleting your repository. Well, Git isn’t the terrible dinosaur you think it is, on the contrary, the messier it becomes, the more interesting it gets.

This session aims to make friends with Git and to express the hidden gems in the mysterious git land which will definitely help you to become more productive and look cool in front of your peers struggling with a git-gone-wild.

Web Norms of the World: An exploration of the internet beyond the West by Kat Kitay

Flat, muted minimalism, vast fields of whitespace, millennial pink landing pages: the internet today, amirite? In this talk, we’ll take stock of these biases and take a culturally relativistic look at the internet outside of our comfort zone. We’ll explore questions like: Why are Japanese websites so information-dense? How does a script like Arabic, read right to left, affect web design? What languages do (or can) programmers across the world use?

The viewers of this talk will walk away with a fresh perspective and ideas for improving our web and making technology that’s more inclusive of a global audience.

Legendary Lambdas by Tejas Kumar

The Serverless paradigm is one that is slowly taking over the internet. This talk dives deep into Serverless, particularly Serverless Lambda Functions, and their benefits and drawbacks to web applications. We will also discuss how they can benefit business, being extremely cheap to implement and maintain.

As a practical, technical case study, we will examine serverless performance across a number of popular front-end UI frameworks and measure various metrics relevant to a serverless application.

Mastering UIs with Finite State Machines by Rubén Sospedra

Did you ever feel like monkey patching your UI component? Adding too many if/else, handling a lot of complexity or hacking several non-desired side effects. Did you ever have a problem with double-clicking an async button? Fetching multiple times the same resource in a row? Did you have problems translating UX interfaces and mock-ups into your applications scenes?

All this kind of problems can be properly fixed by applying a different point of view. An architecture based upon Mealy state machines. Also known as finite state machines or automatas. These machines are deterministic, pure and idempotents. Opening a new set of possibilities from predictable components to autogenerated tests.

Deciphering Brainwaves with the Web Audio API by Braden Moore

Early last year, my colleagues and I did something amazing — using only JavaScript, the browser, and the Web Audio API, we were able to decipher brainwaves. It sounds sensational, but it’s (mostly) true. This is a story about how we converted brainwaves into audio signals — and then back again — to solve the problem of epilepsy diagnosis on the web.

In this talk, you’ll get to see a new browser API being used in a novel and unprecedented way, combined with world-leading innovations in the field of epilepsy diagnosis. You’ll learn about the challenges of real-time brainwave filtering and how we solved them. As you’ll see, the technologies we use each day can sometimes be applied in unexpected ways.

A privacy first period tracker? Is it even possible? by Benedicte Raae

Do I want to track my cycles? Yes. Do I want the tracker to push my data to a third party? Hell NO! Do I want the data lying around unencrypted in a database somewhere? Not really. Do I want backup and access from multiple devices? Kinda.. What would I need to learn and is it even possible?

Learn how Benedicte created a secure and private web-based period tracker.

StrangerDanger: Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before They Find You! by Liran Tal

Open source modules on the NPM ecosystem are undoubtedly awesome. However, they also represent an undeniable and massive risk. You’re introducing someone else’s code into your system, often with little or no scrutiny. The wrong package can introduce severe vulnerabilities into your application, exposing your application and your user’s data.

This talk will use a sample application, Goof, which uses various vulnerable dependencies, which we will exploit as an attacker would. For each issue, we’ll explain why it happened, show its impact, and — most importantly — see how to avoid or fix it.

Testing presentation components visually by Balázs Korossy-Khayll

You have written all the unit tests, integration and e2e tests imaginable to your project, your code coverage is in the skies, you are sure that everything is in working order, your application is ready to ship. Or is it? Frontend developers often face the challenge that even a plethora of tests don’t cover visual differences, and while the functionality might be working and protected by tests, we don’t know much about the layout’s and visual styles’ correctness.

Writing unit tests or manual testing for visual styles is tiresome and error-prone, so at BlackRock we came up with a better solution. Using Storybook we have developed a way of comparing visual differences of the rendered images of our presentational components.

Originally published at on November 6, 2019.



Node.js Collection

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