Introducing the Node.js Collection

Node.js Collection
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2017

Edit: After some years, we’ve spun down the Node.js Collection. No further posts will be accepted.

Howdy! Welcome to the Node.js Collection: community-curated content for the millions of Node.js users. Below is a little bit more about the reason behind this publication; guidelines for those that want to write for the publications; and how to get involved.

We look forward to hearing and sharing your stories.

Purpose of Node.js Foundation Medium publication

The Node.js Foundation’s new Medium publication serves as a channel for the community to broadcast to a wide audience its views about Node.js and its ecosystem. This may include:

  • Summaries of incubated projects or technical decisions made
  • Working project initiatives
  • Use cases and success stories
  • Industry insights and best practices around Node.js and development trends (see topic areas below)
  • Reports on Node.js and JavaScript events (these events must have a code of conduct to be considered)
  • Other topics will certainly be considered, but it should be something of interest to the Node.js community


We are looking for posts that inform, teach, experiment, and generally enrich our community. There’s no hard and fast rule of what an article should or feel like; Node.js Collection articles should be as diverse as the community itself. Ideally, contributions should encourage readers to explore new ideas, dig deeper into old ones, and to inspire readers to experiment and tinker.

Articles can cover any number of topics such as:

  • Serverless/Cloud
  • Containers
  • Community
  • Best Practices (How To)
  • Embedded/IoT
  • AI/Mobile
  • More (Essentially news from the Foundation and potentially more editorial style content about the future of Node.js Core) — see Google Cloud Platform’s More section as an example [here].

If you’re passionate about something not listed above, please don’t hesitate to submit your idea for consideration.

Guidelines/General Tips of Submissions

  • Posts from members and community members must be vendor neutral, though they may mention vendors involved in specific project deployments if this serves the purpose of educating readers.
  • Posts about hosting of an in-person event or speaking at an event, or other indications of meaningful participation in the community, are allowed, but again shouldn’t feel like an advertisement for your services or company.
  • Your post must be your original content, but can be published on The Node.js Collection publication, if you received permission from the editors of the website to do so.
  • All content should have a byline and be published with Creative Commons license, so you’re welcome to republish on your blog.
  • The most interesting posts are ones that teach or explain how to do something in a way maybe others haven’t thought of.
  • Good blog posts show hurdles that were encountered and explain how they were overcome (not that everything is rainbows and unicorns).
  • A few posts that have performed well on the Node.js Foundation Medium page include Walmart Strives to be an Online Retailer with Node.js (use case); Node.js Transitions to LTS (news); The Progress of Node.js Post io.js and Node.js merger (progress update).
  • When showing upstreaming of a patch fixing an issue for others, link back to the Github issue so readers can follow along.
  • We don’t avoid critical commentary or broad issues, but approach them with sensitivity, professionalism and tact in a way that is beneficial and positive for the community.
  • Node.js Collection posts should be no longer than 1,000 words and no shorter than 300 words.
  • Diagrams or photos are strongly encouraged.

How to submit for consideration

  • Members of the Node.js Collection Technical Review Team (Simon Vincent) and Node.js Foundation PR team will review your submission in a timely manner and provide the green light to draft the entire article or provide feedback or direction.
  • If you are submitting an article or presentation that already exists, please send it in its entirety with a note on the expressed permission to publish from the owner of content.
  • Once your submission has been approved, it will be added to the Node.js Foundation Medium publication publishing calendar and a publish date will be provided, so you may plan to promote accordingly through your personal and company’s social media channels.

Review Process for Original Posts

  • The review team will provide comments and edits.
  • Once the review team has made suggested edits, they will share all suggested edits with the author who has final sign off on content.
  • If the author feels comfortable, we would also like to list out the names of the technical editors of the post.
  • The review team will share all suggested edits with the author, who has final sign off on content.
  • Zibby Keaton will then post to the Node.js Foundation Medium publication.
  • The review process may take between two to three weeks depending on the number of edits and revisions involved.

Handy Tools for Writing Posts on Medium



Node.js Collection

Node.js is a collaborative open source project dedicated to building and supporting the Node.js platform.