Keynotes for Node.js Interactive Focus on the Future of the Platform

Node.js Collection
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2017

From October 4–6 developers, software architects, engineers, and community organizers will gather in Vancouver, British Columbia for Node.js Interactive — an event hosted by the Node.js Foundation. The conference features keynotes, presentations and workshops that are aimed to help Node.js users better understand how to work with Node.js and JavaScript as well as best practices in contributing to the project.

Last year’s Node.js Interactive in Amsterdam.

The conference attracts new Node.js users and experienced users alike, and focuses on a wide range of topics like security, serverless, emerging uses cases (artificial intelligence and IoT), community building, diagnostics and much more. You can view the presentation and workshop schedule here.

Today, we are thrilled to announce a few of our keynotes for the event — more coming soon!

James Snell, Node.js Technical Steering Committee Director and Open Source Architect at nearForm

James Snell is a contributor to Node.js Core, a member of the Node.js Core Technical Committee (a group focused on dealing with meta technical matters related to the Node.js Project) and also the Director of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, which is the technical governing body of the Node.js Foundation. It admits and oversees all top-level Projects in the Node.js Foundation and also elects a representative to the Node.js Foundation Board of Directors.

James is often responsible for many of the new Node.js features and functions. One of his favorite projects is Canary in the Goldmine, a technology that allows core members to pull down modules from npm and test if they will break when Node.js updates its versioning. He also got the WHATWG URL parser started, which became a fully supported feature in Node.js 8. Currently, he is working on adding http/2 support to Node.js Core.

During his keynote, James will provide a roadmap of what to expect in Node.js in the coming months. If you want a sneak peek into what new features and updates are coming in Node.js, make sure you don’t miss James’ keynote.

Rachel White, Technologist, Artist, Pretend-Cyborg and Tech Evangelist at Microsoft

Rachel is a self-taught developer and designer who is interested in new uses for old hardware, robots, VR/AR/MR and bots. She’s spoken internationally about JavaScript Robotics, Twitter Bots, browser based video games and Node.js. Rachel is currently working on multiple video game projects and a VR cat cafe.

We often hear about how Node.js is fueling digital transformation within businesses, but what about the creative work (and there’s plenty of it) being done with Node.js?

Enter Rachel’s keynote.

Rachel will explore creativity with Node.js and provide a glimpse into the art pieces people are working on that are powered by Node.js, how they are using it and what services they are incorporating.

Want to take a look at what people are building with Node.js for creative expression? This is a must see keynote.

Mark Hinkle, Executive Director of the Node.js Foundation

Mark became the Executive Director of the Node.js Foundation in April of this year, but he has a long history with open source.

Mark is an Apache Software Foundation committer for Apache CloudStack and a member of its Project Management Committee (PMC). He served as vice president of community at, acquired by Citrix, and went on to run the Citrix Open Source Business Office. As a steward for Citrix open source efforts, he sat on the Xen Project Board of Advisors. Earlier on in his career, Mark drove marketing strategy and execution at Zenoss. This resulted in widespread community growth and commercial adoption of the Zenoss Core open source project. He has also served as the Editor in Chief of both Enterprise Open Source and LinuxWorld Magazines.

During his keynote, Mark will review the progress and success of Node.js and what’s ahead for the Foundation and project.

Anna Henningsen, Student and Node.js Core Technical Committee Member

Anna is a math student from Düsseldorf, Germany. When Anna is not studying, she is contributing to Node.js or participating in the Node.js Core Technical Committee — Node.js is her current hobby. Anna also helps mentor at Code & Learn events.

Code & Learn events allow developers to get started (or go further) with Node.js core contributions. Experienced contributors help guide developers through their first (or second or third or fourth) commit to Node.js core. If you are interested, a Code & Learn event will take place on October 6 during Node.js Interactive.

Anna will cover one week in the life of the technical side of Node.js. Want to start contributing to the project? Come to this keynote.

Franziska (Franzi) Hinkelmann, Software Engineer at Google and Node.js Core Technical Committee Member

Franzi is located in Munich, Germany where she works at Google on Chrome V8. Franzi, like James and Anna, is a member of the Node.js Core Technical Committee. She speaks across the globe on the topic of JavaScript virtual machines. She has a PhD in mathematics, but left academia to follow her true passion: writing code.

Franzi will discuss her perspective on Chrome V8 in Node.js, and what the Chrome V8 team is doing to continue to support Node.js. Want to know what the future of browser development looks like? This is a must-attend keynote.

To get a better idea of what to expect, check out a few presentations from past events, including Express State of the Union with Doug Wilson (Core Maintainer of Express), Node.js at Netflix with Kim Trott (Director of UI Platform Engineering at Netflix) and Home Automation with Node.js and MQTT with Michael Dawson (Senior Software Developer at IBM and Collaborator and Core Technical Committee Member of Node.js).

Or listen to Lowe’s Rick Adams around his experience at Node.js Interactive:

If you want to keep abreast on all the latest news happening around Node.js and this event, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Medium and subscribe to our newsletter.

We hope to see you there!



Node.js Collection

Node.js is a collaborative open source project dedicated to building and supporting the Node.js platform.