Node.js + Containers = Magic

Node.js Collection
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2017

Node.js and containers are commonly used together because they allow both the development and operations teams to to deliver functions, features, new services and apps to users quickly. Think: Agile software development.

We recently sat down with cloud-native consultant Ross Kukulinski to talk about why more enterprises and startups are using Node.js and containers, and the benefits that this combination provides a business. Check out the full interview:

If you are interested in implementing Node.js + containers, also be sure to check out this Q&A with Ross about pitfalls to avoid when implementing Node.js and containers; these 8 pro tips from NodeSource around containerizing a Node.js app; and this article around using these two technologies for microservices.

Need some inspiration to help you get started? Netflix is currently re-architecting the APIs responsible for fetching data every time a user plays a video or browses Netflix libraries with Node.js and containers.



Node.js Collection

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