The Node.js Update, #Week 4, 25 January, 2019

Node.js Collection
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2019

Below you can find RisingStack’s collection of the most important Node.js updates, tutorials & announcements from this week.


NEW RELEASE: Node v11.7.0 (Current)


  • compression / zlib: Added brotli support
  • console: Added inspectOptions option
  • crypto: Always accept private keys as public keys
  • deps: Upgrade npm to v6.5.0
  • fs: Use internalBinding(‘fs’) internally instead of process.binding(‘fs’)
  • http(s): Support overriding http\s.globalAgent
  • util: Inspect ArrayBuffers contents closely
  • worker: Expose workers by default and remove — experimental-worker flag


Node.js multithreading: What are Worker Threads and why do they matter?

Since the release of Node.js v10.5.0 there’s a new worker_threads module available.

What exactly is this new worker thread module and why do we need it? In this post, we will talk about the historical reasons concurrency is implemented in JavaScript and Node.js, the problems we might find, current solutions and the future of parallel processing with worker threads.


The future of TypeScript on ESLint

James Henry, who has long been the driving force behind TypeScript compatibility for ESLint, has started the typescript-eslint project as a centralized repository for all things related to TypeScript ESLint compatibility. This will be the new home of the TypeScript parser, eslint-plugin-typescript, and any other utilities that will make the TypeScript ESLint experience as seamless as possible.

What this means going forward?

  • The ESLint team will no longer be maintaining typescript-eslint-parser
  • The repository will be archived as of today
  • There will be no further releases of typescript-eslint-parser on npm
  • Anyone using typescript-eslint-parser should use @typescript-eslint/parser instead


Instrumenting HTTP requests in Node

HTTP client libraries are a dime a dozen in user-land, but you might need more from your client of choice.

There is a lot of power in using out of the box node core libraries. That isn’t to say that using open source libraries is the wrong choice, but that when building software we should be careful about the tradeoffs we’re making in the name of simplicity. Often, we do not need to make these tradeoffs at all and digging into the some of these libraries will reveal that.


polydev — Faster, route-centric development for Node.js apps with built-in Hot Module Replacement

As your project grows, working on a large or monolithic Node.js app gets slower:

  • Working on part of the app means running the entire app.
  • The require tree grows so large it can take several seconds to start the server.
  • Restarting the server on every change impedes development.
  • Middleware for projects like Next.js & Storybook are expensive to restart with each change.
  • Tools like concurrently, nodemon, & piping still run the entire app.
  • You shouldn’t waste time in the terminal hitting Ctrl-C and restarting.


Building GitHub Actions in Node.js

Heard all about these new fan-dangled GitHub Actions, and want to go out and build one? Well then let’s do it!

This post will serve as a guide to building a run-of-the-mill GitHub Action in Node.js.


Using worker_threads in Node.js Part 2

Earlier this month, I published “Using worker_threads in Node.js”. Since that time, Node.js 11.7.0 shipped. With Node.js 11.7.0, you no longer need the --experimental-workers flag to use the worker_threads module. So it’s even easier to use worker_threads than it was when I wrote that first article.


Node.js Security WG — January 2019

In an effort to better promote and increase engagement in the Node.js Security WG, the working group would like to share highlights more often, ideally each quarter, in the following areas:

Quarterly Agenda Topics:

  1. Security Bounty Program for Node.js Core and Ecosystem
  2. Machine Readable Format for Vulnerabilities
  3. now has a SECURITY.TXT

Node.js Core Security News:

  • The prior year ended with security updates for all maintained Node.js versions were released in November 2018.
  • One of the important changes to the HTTP module in the recent Node.js 10.14.0 release was lowering the limit for the maximum HTTP header size across all release lines, including LTS, which turned out to be problematic for some users. A series of patch releases followed to allow the limit to be configurable at run-time.
  • 2018 was also the year when someone used social engineering to gain control of a popular module distributed via npm and inject malicious code into it. One positive outcome of this is a heightened interest in how packages are maintained, and what the Node.js community can do to help.

Security Reports Spotlight:

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Originally published at on January 25, 2019.



Node.js Collection

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