Weekly Node.js Update #22–06.01, 2018

Node.js Collection
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018

Below you can find RisingStack’s collection of the most important Node.js news, updates, projects & tutorials from this week:

Node v10.3.0 (Current) Released

Notable changes


  • upgrade npm to 6.1.0 (Rebecca Turner)


  • fix reads with pos > 4GB (Mathias Buus)


  • new option to allow IPC servers to be readable and writable by all users (Bartosz Sosnowski)


  • fix removeAllListeners() for Stream.Readable to work as expected when no arguments are passed (Kael Zhang)

Added new collaborators

  • jdlaton John-David Dalton

Building a Chat App with Express, React and Socket.io with GIFs Support

Learn how to build a real-time chat app with Node.js/Express backend and React/Bootstrap frontend. You’ll be using Socket.io with Express to handle incoming socket connections and emit messages to connected clients.

Creating an HTTPs server with Node.js and Express

This article will guide you through the how-tos of SSL installation on a Linux machine running Node.js. We will assume you are familiar with Linux terminal commands and Node.js.

8 Key Takeaways from the Node.js Survey of 1,600 Engineers (2018)

The Node Foundation has published its annual survey on the usage and development of Node.js. We consider it essential to know where our favorite framework is heading to, so we created an outline of the most important findings.

To Yarn and Back (to npm) Again

This article sums up why Mixmax switched to Yarn from npm, then what made them reconsider their decision. You’ll read about the pros and cons of using Yarn and npm.

Learn how to create a simple blog with React & Node

In this article, you will learn how to create a personal blog using React & Node. You will also learn how to config your own Webpack, Redux, React-Router and start your node server from scratch.

Create a simple weather app using Node.js, Express, and React

Tired of needing to actually go outside to see what the weather is like? Create your own weather app! There is a lot to learn along the way of making it, especially if you haven’t done something like this yet!

Previous Node.js Updates:

In the previous Weekly Node.js Update, we collected great articles, like

  • Node v10.2.1 (Current) Released;
  • How to Make Up Your Mind Between Node.js and Python;
  • A Sneak Peek into the JS Interactive Schedule;
  • How to Make a Real-Time Sports Application Using Node.js;

& more…

We help you to stay up-to-date with Node.js on a daily basis too. Check out our Node.js news page and its Twitter feed!

Originally published at community.risingstack.com on June 1, 2018.



Node.js Collection

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