Weekly Node.js Update #25–06.22, 2018

Node.js Collection
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2018

Below you can find RisingStack’s collection of the most important Node.js news, updates, projects & tutorials from this week:

Node v10.5.0 (Current) Released

Notable Changes:


  • Support for crypto.scrypt() has been added.


  • BigInt support has been added to fs.stat and fs.watchFile.
  • APIs that take mode as arguments no longer throw on values larger than 0o777.
  • Fix crashes in closed event watchers.

Worker Threads:

  • Support for multi-threading has been added behind the — experimental-worker flag in the worker_threads module. This feature is experimental and may receive breaking changes at any time.

How to make beautiful, simple CLI apps with Node

When merging/rebasing, the file that always seems to cause trouble is the package-lock. In this post you’ll go through how to make a simple utility that deletes the package-lock.json file, regenerates it (npm install) and adds it to the git index.

JavaScript Engine V8 release v6.8

The newest branch of the Javascript Engine, V8 version 6.8 was announced. It is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 68 Stable.

End-to-end testing Single Page Apps and Node.js APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer

In this article you’ll learn how to test Single Page Apps in an end-to-end fashion, using a Behavior-Driven-Development tool called Cucumber.js, and Google’s web browser library Puppeteer.

The minimal Node.js with Babel Setup

This article shows you a common approach of how to create a running minimal Node.js application with Babel. It also provides a good foundation for getting started with JavaScript, building Node.js projects on top of it, or releasing it as node package on npm as open source project.

Deploying Node.js Apps

In this document, you’ll learn the exact specifications and behavior of Node.js deployments running on now.

Quickstart: Control a device connected to an IoT hub (Node.js)

In this quickstart, you use a direct method to control a simulated device connected to your IoT hub. You can use direct methods to remotely change the behavior of a device connected to your IoT hub.

Previous Node.js Updates:

In the previous Weekly Node.js Update, we collected great articles, like

  • Node.js Updates from June 12;
  • Google Cloud announces support for Node.js in App Engine;
  • Deploying Node.js on App Engine standard environment;
  • AWS SDK for Node.js Best Practices;

& more…

We help you to stay up-to-date with Node.js on a daily basis too. Check out our Node.js news page and its Twitter feed!

Originally published at community.risingstack.com on June 22, 2018.



Node.js Collection

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