10 things that are a pain in the butt about becoming a psychic medium

Many people think that becoming a medium is a gift and even an exciting thing, like we have the ability to win Tattslotto all of a sudden. The truth is it isn’t like that, at all. We’re only given the information that is for our own good, the good of others or the good of all. It isn’t like we can see everything and anything. It takes consent in the spiritual planes as well as down here on Earth. There are rules that are both a matter of integrity and choice but there is no free will which means we can experience ‘mind quarantine’ and be blocked from seeing and knowing some things until the right time or the right purpose. Getting here is also a very bumpy ride for some of us (as you can tell from my previous posts). My spiritual awakening was more like a spiritual emergency with hospital visits and thinking I was mentally ill. Yes, we can see the future, we can communicate with the dead, we can communicate with angels, and we can even communicate with other beings in other realms. That is pretty cool in the main, but it isn’t all roses. Here are some things that are not so fun:

  1. Seeing both the positive and the negative:

When you open up the ability to see what’s ’on the other side’ it turns out you can also see the negative things too. There are actually ghouls who hang around and feed off your negative energy like moths to a light, and there are substance addicts who have died and hang around to sniff the fumes or get off on people having sex. There are also lower energy entities that live in the second frequency and some call them elementals. They’re not really here to do any harm, but they’re creepy, that’s for sure.

The good thing is that you can learn to protect yourself, and keeping your energy high is the main one. No entity on the other side has free will and can’t break your right to free will. If you ask them to identify themselves as being of the light or not of the light, they must and even cannot lie. I used to yell at them and demand they left thinking I had to be tough and aggressive in order to resist their supposedly evil ways. This idea of evil is something that is engrained in us by religious organisations but I’m coming to learn that evil is really within humanity, and only some other planets and planes where the beings are focused on service to self as opposed to service to others. Humans seem to be the most dangerous of all and even have to be quarantined off from the rest of our reality to protect them. We’re a ‘shoot first’ society it seems.

The ability for a human, in this lifetime and in others, to hook a negative thought over our spiritual blueprint is a very difficult negative force to overcome. Having a psychic vampire over you is a very dark and sinister thing to do and can create illness in our physical body with us even unaware that this is the actual reason we are sick, and not related to our lifestyle or even our biology here on Earth. Before figuring out how to ask these beings to leave me alone it was certainly scary and something I need to be very mindful of continuously.

It is especially difficult to see what’s ahead for people we care about, yet know it is inappropriate or wouldn’t serve them in any way to tell them what’s ahead. I’ve even mistaken the visions of the future for imminent problems. I can cause panic unnecessarily if I share too early, I’ve learned and people around me think I’m just crazy. People often think that the future hasn’t happened and that my seeing the future is some kind of manifestation that I’m creating rather than documenting. There are things we can change with our thoughts but there is a lot that we have pre-agreed and contracted to go through and are unchangeable including how we exit the planet when we die. I do think the ‘manifesting’ community has a lot to be accountable for, giving people the impression they can have anything they want.

Unfortunately this ability means I carry the weight of this knowledge for much longer and with no where to share it. Sometimes the spirit of that person, still alive, comes to talk to me about their impending death in a dream or semi-conscious state and we discuss the impact of what’s going to happen. They’ll matter-of-factly talk about this death as if it is fully planned and even the spirit of their husband has been involved in the whole thing on another realm, for some particular purpose.

2. Feeling everything

It can be super overwhelming to be around other people as we can feel their energy and even know what they are thinking. When there are a lot of people around me the energy is banked one on top of the other and can feel like a very heavy load and even anxiety inducing.

One of the worst parts of feeling and knowing what people are thinking is the disappointment in people who are saying one thing, but meaning another. I’ve lived a lifetime of people telling me they love me, but their behaviour and how they feel often speaks louder. They might use words to mask the truth, but underneath I can feel they don’t like me, or might resent me. It can be very disappointing to really know how someone feels about you and when you love and support them. I’ve had to let some family go because of the genuine lack of unconditional love.

3. There is no hiding anything

In the spiritual realm there is nothing but the truth and the facts, as they are. Communication is by thought osmosis, where the meaning and full understanding is communicated by way of a type of download in one transmission I call thought osmosis. There are no white lies, no barriers in translation or interpretation. We can feel how it feels to be the other person or being, and without doubt about what they intend or what they made of any situation.

With the ability to remote view, go back in time, go into the future, and to see into others’ lives there is nothing that is not known. This is why we do have a code of ethics and asking permission before tapping into someone is crucial. Providing there is permission and it is for your highest good, the highest good of the other, or the highest good of all we are open books. I can also feel when someone is tuning into me too. I know a psychic friend who has a particular signature as she tuned into my thoughts and experiences and sometimes she did it without permission. We hadn’t spoken in a while because our ethics clash here on Earth, but this violation on the spiritual realm is the far greater breach she may need to make good on in a future life, in fact.

When I first discovered how open we are to the spiritual realms seeing and knowing everything about our lives and our emotions I freaked right out. I thought about my deceased grandmothers watching me have sex! It turns out they’re not so interested in that, apart from a giggle here and there but they don’t have judgement, like we do down here. It is likely a little like us watching animals mate – we know they do it and don’t have judgement about it, but we might also have a little giggle.

People around me can find this creepy when they realise I know so much about them. Sometimes it isn’t something I can stop! If they come into my mind even for the most fleeting moment while in a meditative state a lot of information about them can flood in all as one big dump of experience and knowing. There is no hiding, even for the most private person.

On the positive side, there is no misunderstanding or misinterpretation, like there is with humans when we rely on language that requires interpretation, translation and can often mask our genuine thoughts and emotions.

4. You feel very alone

When you become a whole other person with a spiritual awakening it can be very polarising and the person everyone knew is no longer there in a lot of ways. We’re still a version of ourselves of course, but not the version others came to know and love. This spiritual existence is so all-consuming there is difficulty trying to be the old person for the sake of others and it can feel like you are masking who you really are.

Some people even think you’re making it all up or even mentally ill. They can get over-vigilant to rescue you, which is a form of judgement (I used to think that too, so I do sympathise). They can also have those incongruent mis-matching of words and feelings until they either come to grips with this new version of me, or they filter out of my life eventually.

Not all of the people around us are understanding and can find it difficult to accept the new version. Those with religious ties can accuse us of being possessed or even evil, yet the negativity and judgement we’re receiving is a force that is (ironically) attracting negative entities that we can feel or even see around them. The self-righteous, speaking and acting in the name of their idea of ‘God’ would be shocked to see that they’re the ones who are attracting negativity and negative entities, and not the ones they accuse. It would be funny, except it is quite serious for our planet with the energy balance tipping into more negative and therefore opening up an ownership by negative entities. It isn’t an invasion like the movies suggest, but more like gravity attracting things naturally. Either way, if more people (including those in churches and religions) were more loving, we’d have more loving energy on the planet. It is often difficult to see and know this balance is off.

5. Work loses meaning

The ordinary life in our day like going to work can lose its meaning and feel like it isn’t doing enough good for the world. Many people don’t experience this, particularly those already in caring roles or feel they are living their destined purpose. However for the likes of us doing very material-worldly-type work like marketing that sells commercial or superficial products, it can feel very unfulfilling. Even the focus on the quality of the product or the craftsmanship in the work is no longer enough to hold us there.

There are ways to find meaning in work, particularly if you are a conscious capitalist, like I am now. I only want to support people who have a good mission to provide value to the world in some way.

If you were to have an Akashic Reading done you could see what skills you were equipped with in your blueprint before coming to Earth. This helps you across lifetimes as an amplification of what we experience here with each of us equipped with different skills. Some of us bring communication skills, creativity, a passion and the skills for caring for others, or there may be an ability with technical abilities or mathematics for example. There are many other types of skills. Many of us in human society try to push everyone into the one set of boxes because they have a prejudiced view on what is valued more than other things. We push girls away from science and maths when many of us are equipped to lead the world with our inbuilt skills. Some are blocked from being creative with a message of inspiration or hope because our society values corporates or academia more.

When you know what skills you have been equipped with, it really helps you feel more aligned with your purpose and bring meaning to work. If you can’t find this in your current work it helps you know what kind of work you need to be doing. When I learned that my spiritual blueprint had 65% communication skills on board I knew that I could embrace writing when I didn’t consider it before or had been accused of writing long text messages or emails as if there is a word count of ‘acceptability’ on Earth, rather than the respect of explaining something more fully or with care. I now accept that I’m built this way for longer communication. I’ve been shown a long line of soul’s lining up behind me as I type on the computer. Each soul takes a turn sitting in my body. I understood the meaning as my calling to write, and to share my experiences for others to experience through my words.

Even though my old day job lost a bit of meaning initially, I’ve been able to detour slightly to bring meaning to it. Like anything in change we have to clear out the old before the new can come in and it can feel pretty horrid in the transition phase.

6. You become very self-aware

There is no hiding from our own limitations, blocks and limits that we put over ourselves on a conscious and subconscious level. Likewise we can’t escape knowing there are limits over us in the spiritual realms too; put their by our greater self and by others. At a certain point in our growth we don’t even know that these limits exist at this level and think it is all about our sub-conscious and ends there. I hate to burst your bubble, but it only begins there! It seems like a never ending job to keep growing and clearing these limitations at all levels to become our best selves.

We will never feel like our work is done – to become the best version of ourselves. When I meet angels and other high frequency beings who are filled with plenty of love light (the God substance) I’m so humbled, and feel their level of perfection is unattainable, no matter how ‘good’ I consider myself down here on Earth.

We can only keep moving forward and growing, and that’s an enjoyable process in many ways if you can see it that way.

7. Realising the traumas and the difficulties are self-imposed

This is a big one! I can see some challenges ahead for me that are pretty heavy duty. On top of an already challenging lifetime here on Earth it can feel overwhelming, as if we are being punished for our wrong-doing. For those who have been raised in religious upbringings are taught that we will be punished for our sins, and even the slightest indiscretion will cause us to be ‘sent to hell’. Life challenges can feel like a punishment sometimes because of that way of thinking.

The rude awakening, after a childhood being told there is an old man with a beard in a chair at the top of our existence dictating punishments, when it is really our own doing. Some say that what happens to us is ‘God’s Will’. The only way it could be the will of a ‘God’ would be by the fact that we are all one unity and therefore we all think as one at the end of the chain. Our higher self is driving the bus, pretty much.

Difficulties that we face down here can be a matter of chance too, and not all can be attributed to spiritual outcomes. Our spirit team are there to help prevent these things that are not planned. If they can do anything about it to warn us or keep us safe, they will. It is one of those occasions they can intervene without our direct consent. I’ve had a spirit put a hand on my chest to stop me moving forward and prevented me being involved in a serious accident on a jet ski. It wasn’t mine to be had.

Our eternal spiritual version of us chooses these difficulties in order to learn and grow as a spiritual being. The goal is to bring more light into our being and move higher in frequency, closer to the love light that lives at the top of everything. At least it is that way for those who are of the light in service to others, rather than those in service to self. It isn’t a matter of worthiness, like my religious upbringing suggests though as I know that each of us at any level is just as worthy as any other including plants and animals. We are all equal creations, even those who might be considered too far on the dark side.

It can be difficult to face life knowing that a greater version of ourselves is excited about that horrendous car crash that is ahead of us, or that sexual assault that is designed for a purpose. It feels like a morbid curiosity at our own expense, like we’re puppets on a string for someone’s pleasure and self gain. Many spiritual mentors encourage us to surrender and trust in the greater purpose and important ascension we’ll gain. There’s a big discussion to be had about ‘spiritual bypassing’ and how harmful that can be too (another day)!

Some of us volunteer to play roles of sacrifice for the good of others. We only have to look at Christ Consciousness’ plan for Jesus/Jeshua of Nazareth when he was on Earth, knowing he had a crucifixion ahead of him. It must have been traumatic for the human version of his being, knowing he came to go through this to shake up society of the time. It isn’t fun! And, unfortunately there is little chance of getting out of it.

If you do succeed in changing your future through new age ‘manifesting’ techniques, when you get back to the other side after dying you will come to realise you have failed your mission and the one thing that you came here to do. For those who fail this way, I’m pretty certain they’ll be back next lifetime with even bigger challenges and less loop holes to get out of it too! Those short term wins for material gain here on Earth are also potentially shorting our growth as an eternal being. It can feel like you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

8. People seem more idiotic than ever

When you see something that other people can’t see it can be all the more difficult to remain patient with people. That’s my personal challenge of late! Not only is it in my work with nearly forty years of professional specialisation behind me. I’m often being told how to do my job by people who have little or no idea about how to do it. They’ve seen someone else do some basic and irrelevant strategy and want to jump on the bandwagon. Ugh. I now have this whole other realm of knowledge and experience and come across people who think they know something about it, but tend to have a limited idea. They can also form a view based on a belief system that has been well and truly debunked. If only they could open their mind for a moment!

Belief systems have been the basis of judgement, competitiveness and even wars. We even know now that the religious books people treat as if completely flawless, are proven to be incomplete or have been interpreted during a particular time on Earth with particular limitations in knowledge. So many people think their idea is the only way. I’ve done it too. People do and think based on what they know. I’ve been reminded by Christ Consciousness to send others love and be less judgemental – my work in progress!

Whilst those religious fanatics are more wrong than they care to know and accept; at the same time I’m often amazed that a lot of what religions teach is more right than atheists are taught to believe.

9. People mistakenly think spirituality is a belief, like religion

To think of true spirituality as a belief system, like a religion or even a cultural experience is challenging to listen to. I find people assume that if you go through something like a spiritual awakening that it is a decision or a choice you made to follow a cult of some kind.

I had a good friend resist hearing about anything about what I was experiencing and would bluntly change the subject. One day she blurted out, ‘You don’t understand – my father had terrible things done to him through the church! I want nothing to do with religion!’. I was shocked that she’d assigned my experience to a religious concept. I agree that some churches and some people within them have done horrendous things that are so far from the behaviour of a loving God and one of the reasons I too rejected religion. To compare a real spiritual awakening with a religious belief system, and especially one enabling behaviour like that is just horrid to me. Some even think it is our imagination or mental illness that is the cause of a spiritual awakening (I confess that I did in the beginning too). I’m glad my friend said that, so I could understand that’s the kind of assumption other people will be making.

A real spiritual awakening is much closer to quantum physics, biology or mathematics than anything. It is a blend of experiences in our bodies, and our consciousness that is not by choice and is not a subconscious misfire of some kind either. It is linked to the smallest particles within our cosmos and how we tap into frequencies that exist, like tapping into radio waves. It is as if our ability to tune into a particular frequency just opens up one day. It would be similar to our eyes being able to see new things by a shift in chemicals or a distortion of our eye ball.

Like the blades on a fan, like the propellor on an aeroplane, they become invisible at a certain frequency, those of us who are mediums can communicate with the unseen realms by tapping into new frequencies. Everything exists here around us all the time, we just can’t see it because of the differing frequency. Once you tap into these new frequencies, everything becomes visible and can be communicated with. It is like the light switch is all of a sudden turned on.

No one can just decide to believe in true spirituality with our mind. I guess we can believe in the idea of it, given the proof now, but we can’t just become a medium by concept alone. We need to learn the skills if we don’t have them. Perhaps I should correct myself here and say that we need to awaken the skills that we’re all born with.

Someone even said to me that if I told them I saw an alien outside the window it would be an idea or belief of my own and could never be anything more than an idea or a belief. However, if three people, fifty people, a million people saw this too would it still be an idea? Or, because the same thing is experienced by so many people, does it then become a fact? I’m lucky to know now there are millions of people like me in the world and I have no doubt now what is fact. There are countless research studies validating these skills and abilities as real and what we see is real. The discussion on who decides what is ‘valid’ research is a topic for another day but by my critical mind I accept the accounts of hundreds of thousands of people who have no way of knowing what others have seen and experienced. The fact I can see information in languages I don’t recognise and with no former exposure too is just one of those validating facts from my own experience.

Spirituality in its true form is like experiencing the existence of fire or gravity – it just is. Until the wider community wake up to this it will seem like a belief system of fanatics, which is dull.

10. We become incompatible with things we used to like

Being as much a physiological experience as it is to use the deeper parts of our mind or consciousness, all of a sudden certain foods and substances can no longer agree with us. I couldn’t eat gluten, certain preservatives, sugar or alcohol for a while, despite thinking that was all a mindset issue previously. Sometimes the medical community say there is no reason for the intolerance and might call it a fake disease or hypochondria. They don’t currently have any way to test the influence of our spiritual being on our body and discount it. It turns out to be a frequency mis-match. As you move your system into higher or lower frequencies of being, the way we process foods and liquids can change. Likewise, I’m learning that if I don’t eat what my body needs my psychic skills will either be weaker or the visions are softer, rather than crisp and in focus.

That incompatibility of frequency also relates to people around us and their energy too. We can feel out of sorts with the people around us if they are not aligned, and it makes it unpleasant to be there. We might want to hang out like we used to, but it can feel jarring in our body when we do. Keeping the time to a minimum helps to manage the overload.

Overall, the big question that comes up often is about winning the lotto. We are still a very materially focused society. Funny enough I have been shown winning numbers and dreamed of winning multiple times but the challenge is in knowing which competition to enter on which day! Unless a big win like this is yours to have, then it is unlikely that you will be allowed to see this and be shown what to do with it if you are. Generally, a spiritual awakening tends to be about service to humanity in some big or small way.

All of this hasn’t been fun along the way and continues to be a struggle at times. However all this is nothing by comparison to the feeling of being connected to the highest source of all. When connected with infinite intelligence, the source of the all, it is an all-consuming loving light. That’s the most powerful feeling of home and unconditional love available to us all, even when we might be rejected by people we love down here or going through lots of challenges.

Nothing here on Earth comes close to the feeling of that love light – not even the feeling of emotional love we might have for our own children. Even Christ Consciousness (as Jesus), who planned to be crucified on the cross, tells me that all that suffering as a human was worth it. He told me that it was worth it because of the way it taught others to embody the love light and take some of the violence out of humanity at this time in history; and ever since. This love light and feeling part of everything seems to make all these difficulties worthwhile. Once you experience this type of visceral and tangible love there is no going back!



Anne Miles @alchemyanne
The Non-Believer’s Guide to Modern Prayer

A non-believer who had weird paranormal stuff happening, like purple flames on my body, hearing voices and seeing angels. Turns out I am a medium.