Hidden spiritual concepts we can learn from in The Flash

I do love a good TV show designed for children and teens, but I didn’t intend to watch The Flash (Netflix 2014+ version). It was my spirit team who told me ‘Yes’ when the promo came up in my Netflix feed, unexpectedly. I often have what I call digital interventions, where something weird happens with technology around me and some important message is sent to me using a TV show, a song or a podcast interview. At first I thought it was just by chance or some kind of dynamic marketing content based on listening tech through my smart phone. Being in marketing I do know what is clearly the result of targeting and what cannot be explained by any other way than a spiritual intervention. Sometimes my entire streaming account is blocked and unable to be loaded, telling me to use another platform. When I open that app, it can be that only one program is loading within the entire subscription. It is clear that I have no choice but to watch that particular show! Even if I restart all the equipment, nothing will revert back to normal until I watch the program that is intended for me. The content is very often the answer to a question I have been looking for, or a reminder for something that I need to consider to progress to my next stage of learning in my spiritual awakening. There is no other explanation for this. Watching The Flash is one of those shows I couldn’t avoid, and here are the learnings that I’m clearly supposed to share.

First, the big things. This show is clearly capturing a few of the bigger issues about our reality here on Earth and is set in what they call, as many do; a multiverse. We live in a universe amongst many other universes. My own experience with Christ Consciousness confirms this too. As an aside, for those who don’t know me this isn’t a delusion but as a medium channeling in meditation. Christ Consciousness appears to me regularly. When I asked Christ to show me what is at the top of everything within our world I was taken to the white light at the top of everything. I call this light love light as it is filled with the most loving energy that you could ever imagine. It is the loving light that is filled with the consciousness of every thought ever thought. It is nothing like the love you might give and receive between humans, even with our own children. This love light is the kind of substance that is physically tangible as it pours into our bodies, like warm honey might fill us from the inside, flowing from one end of us to the other. It is not the kind of love that is dependent on emotions, but impacts us as much as gravity, or even the feeling of a cool rain might touch our overheated skin on a very hot night. Within this light there are beings who presented to me in suits, that I might have considered ‘alien’ in the past (although I know now how rude that expression is for our caretakers and ancestors). These light beings are better described as ultra-terrestrials. When they came through from the light in this form, one of them spoke for the group – as if they were one. The genderless being that was addressing me peeled off the ‘alien’ suit and said, ‘We don’t really look like this, but we do this so you know what we are’. As the suit peeled away it was clear they were individual consciousness, and were bodiless. They were of the light and lived there as one. There were about eight of them at this height, and I felt as if I was one of them, with them there. This fits the concept of us all being one in both the religious community belief systems, new age thinking but especially in quantum physics. Christ remained slightly lower than these beings and off to my left side. Some might validate the biblical description of Christ sitting at the ‘right hand of God’ through this experience. When I asked Christ who these light beings were, he showed me some Easter Island statues. With that, through thought osmosis, I could tell he was telling me that they were Gods at the top of our Universe. This concept of having more than one God in our Universe seemed wrong to me at the time, but since then I have learned that the bible has been edited to remove reference of Gods (plural) and it was changed to be one single (male). Now I understand this multi-God genderless intelligence within love light as the substance in everything is the truth of our universe. Perhaps of multiple universes?

Next, Christ showed me what else was at the top of this love light, above everything, and there was a stone room with an open air circular roof at the top of it. This room is where all the Gods live. I could tell that the opening above was the gateway to yet another realm above us and we were not the only realm in the overall giant construction of the world we live in, amongst worlds. On the walls of this room there were ancient square blocks of stone. Some of the stones had symbols carved in them, of which I had no ability or reference to interpret. I asked Christ to show me one symbol alone so that I could later research and find the alphabet or family of language that this symbol belonged to, in order to understand what this place was. Later, after much research and digging I found the source of the alphabet. This candelabra shaped three pronged letter resembling something Jewish communities might use for burning candles at dinner on Friday nights, belonged to the ‘Angelic Alphabet’. There was my answer – They were angelic and reinforced the idea of what a God really is. In a nutshell, this validates the concepts of a multiverse in The Flash to me. There is more than one giant realm that we are part of, and bigger than perhaps the quantum scientists and astronomers even think. I’ve heard other spiritual humans who can move out of their bodies and travel to the top of this giant construct that we live in and find multiple versions in puddles and deep wells in the highest angelic realm above all others. This open space is a natural wilderness with no weather, pink skies from the glow of this love light and angels hang out without the need to flap wings or fly with natural forces like wind. They move with nothing but their intention. Wings are like a personal signature, like we might have different hair colours and textures.

Back to The Flash, one of the characters called Nash Wells from Season 6 talks about the multiverse as a place with (I’ll paraphrase here) ‘No Gods, but just meta humans, aliens and worshippers of false Gods’. This really resonated with me. Those of us who have an actual experience of our spiritual reality know what the idea of ‘God’ really is and it isn’t anything like religions’ zealots preach. Likewise, it isn’t anything like the atheists equally preach too! We are definitely of a multiuniverse filled with humans, extra-terrestrials, ultra-terrestrials and any of these can be either positively or negatively oriented. We can be in service to others, or service to self as a simple description of the two camps of beings across the multiverse or superverse. We all have the ability to believe in something too, or like me, you’ll have an experience of our reality as real as experiencing gravity and move us beyond belief and into knowing.

The Flash also talks about the Speed Force which is an energy force where all information and knowledge lives and is a unified field that links all densities of the tv show’s multi-verse, but can also become a trap locking us at certain frequencies too. In my learning of the spiritual realms I see that there are a few ways those of us who can tap into multi-frequencies (and therefore multiple realms) refer to this field. Some call this the Akashic Records and others including the quantum physics and mathematical community who might call it the Unified Field, as part of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory. For those who think this is all still a theory, look out for the discoveries to be announced soon by Mathematician Mark Fiorentino (mega genius) who has completed the unfinished work of Albert Einstein’s Unified Field Theory. Mark is now proving we do have a unified field that is holding our entire cosmos together, with the smallest possible particle called the Trefoil Knot. This concept is captured throughout The Flash and is involved in jumping from one universe to another, to move into the future and to roll back time. All of these are now slowly becoming possible for us on a physical plane, but have been possible since the dawn of humanity (or other species before humans) by way of meditation and using our consciousness to travel, like I do. The most interesting subject for us humans to watch out for is the possibility for Anti-Gravity as calculated by Mark Fiorentino. This will be as significant as original discovery of gravity, the first time around, and even the invention of electricity. Most of all it seems to be this Unified Field Theory is the discovery of God, and what God actually is. The Flash depicts both The Speed force, a positive filed of energy, but also the Negative Speed Force as a place of negativity and a field of energy that utilises and perhaps enhances our negativity including anger, fear and the urge to do harm to others. The unified field equally exists with the prevalence of positive and negative and can’t live with one without the other. So, watch this space here on Earth as this parallel concept unfolds. Imagine schools no longer relying on rote learning and books but children tapping into their innate ability to dial up the Unified Field and tapping into the consciousness of Einstein or Francis Bacon to get the answers they need. The world would be less focused on right and wrong, but on applying the information we find and being our best version of ourselves. Perhaps even the ethics of manipulating and accessing the consciousness of everything?

The super heroes in The Flash are defined as meta humans, and likewise the super villains are of the same make up. Both are augmented humans caused by a mega-scale scientific accident releasing dark matter into the universe and multiple universes at the same time. Just like humans and all other dimensional beings, we are made up of both positively oriented and negatively oriented energy fields and in turn we choose to either be a positive being or a negatively oriented one. There are not different types of entities, but a choice made by the individual, clearly through our own thoughts and the energy we assign behind those thoughts. Even the metahumans who have dark matter within them have the ability to tip into their negative side and do horrid things to others, or to choose the positive side and use it for the good of humanity. This is exactly the same as it is for all of us. It is also never too late to choose to move from the negative to the positive, no matter how many evil deeds you might have done in the past. The team at Starlabs, their metahuman superhero hideout, always seem to find forgiveness in their hearts at the end of the day. That’s clearly a Christ Consciousness message in alignment right there (as I’m constantly reminded of by Christ in my meditations).

The big hero in The Flash, is the Flash himself – Barry Allen. Barry is a loveable character who has vulnerabilities like all of us, with decisions daily that tip into his positivity and negativity. That balance between the light and the dark is equally a human challenge, as well as a challenge for all beings in all realms. This balancing act is something even the purest humans, like Jesus of Nazareth or Yeshua as he was known, are challenged to deal with here on Earth. A big concept throughout the show, that all of the characters need to struggle through, is how to use their mind for the outcomes they want and to stay balanced. This same concept is exactly the same challenge we face down here on Earth every day.

The Flash also depicts the metahumans creating a breech. This is like an energy doorway that takes them into other realities, and for immediate access to other locations on Earth too. The team create a type of worm hole or portal that opens up, allowing them to jump to another realm or to cheat travel time, like teleporting. For those of us who are mediums with the ability to do remote viewing, to channel any individual’s consciousness whether they are alive or deceased, to see into the past or the future, or to access other planets and star systems, we’re using the thought generated version of this breech system. In meditation using our consciousness we can access these other times and places by way of channeling. Some say this is our consciousness travelling through energetic worm holes of consciousness (no doubt made of Trefoil Knots) giving us instant access to consciousness that lives at other frequencies. We can dial in as easy as we might turn a dial looking for a particular radio station, purely by thinking of them at the right frequency. I do have this feeling with Mark Fiorentino’s work with anti-gravity we will be doing this kind of travel in physical reality very soon (if not, in part).

In The Flash there are metahumans with all kinds of individual skills, which is reinforcing our spiritual purpose here as individual humans on Earth. All of us are gifted with certain skillsets or talents that are to prepare us for certain tasks or missions when we get here. With society forcing all of us through an education system that can value the maths/science streams more than other skills, we can lose sight of the importance of our individuality and our individual purpose too. This show is a welcome reminder that we can work together better as a team when we each bring something different and unique. Where one has speed, another has the ability to create advanced technologies, another solves difficult equations, another to heal, another to support each other emotionally and others for communication in different ways. There are two characters with skills similar to mediums, like me – one who can read the emotions and feelings of others, and another who can ‘vibe’ to remote view and channel into another’s location and actions in the past, present or future. Even the concept of speed travel and jumping realities is similar, even if symbolic.

The Flash deals with the consequences of changing timelines or creating different outcomes in this universe, but also in simultaneous universes with multiple versions of ourselves. Our decisions impact the future in this and other timelines. The show also deals with the ethics of doing so too. For those of us with spiritual talents we know we have the ability to change our own reality through practices some call manifesting, attracting, or simply by re-writing the Akashic Records (which is possible by spiritual practitioners called Akashic Readers). This is all providing it is ours to have, and we are not breaking the pre-birth plan we set for ourselves on the spiritual realms before embarking on our Earth mission. We all will face these decisions of what is ethical to change or not change in the near future.

In The Flash they referred to speed thinking in the later series as a way to download and access more information in a faster way. Thought osmosis that us mediums access, it is a form of speed thinking. We are shown a symbol or an image, or even hear a word and the full meaning of it is instantly transferred to us and without the need for verbal translation of languages. This is much like all of us might respond to certain words when we can instantly draw on our own experience, memories and feelings too. If I said the word ‘Christmas’ to anyone it will conjure up images, memories, feelings and clarity around the meaning without any explanation. For us mediums this is how it works for information that we have no prior knowledge of. I also have seen my own DNA being upgraded before my eyes, or reams of printing being downloaded into my subconscious to be drawn on later.

The concept of our aura is addressed in The Flash like it is a shield that protects us from energetic attack. That’s a concept that is both true, and there is more to it than that. Our aura can definitely protect us from negativity and it is important to keep good care of it, even if unseen to most of us. This is a field of energy that shows the condition of our physical and emotional states in another frequency of our existence. If our aura is broken or weak these are gaps that negative entities can tap into our bodies as a weak spot and feed off us or even influence our behaviour and decisions. It is important to keep our aura in good shape with good nutrition, drinking plenty of water, sleeping well, exercising and importantly to manage our thoughts and beliefs.

I found the concept of the character Godspeed, who appears later in season 5 and 6, very entertaining. This character is considered a fake speedster, created by humans. Godspeed is supposed to be the fastest and most powerful speed runner but, isn’t really. For me, this made me think of religions and faith based organisations who think they know who ‘God’ is, yet have it all wrong and rarely have an actual experience of spirit! Even atheists reject spirituality because they too clearly have a misunderstanding of what ‘God’ really is as well. Atheists often wail about not believing in ‘God’ but they must believe in something enough to reject the wrong thing. Ironic, really.

It is also entertaining for those of us who are able to align with higher frequencies and the impact that has on the world around us, including our interactions with foods and fluids. The character The Flash operates at such a high frequency that he cannot get drunk with normal human alcohol. The irony is that I experience the same thing if I am in a high vibration when I drink alcohol. However, if my energy is low and I’m operating in the low frequencies I will feel the effects of alcohol and also attract plenty of negatively oriented beings such as ghouls and deceased alcoholics and addicts who hang around and suck the fumes from our bodies as we fuel up with booze and substances. The Flash needs a special super medicinal version of alcohol to have any effect on him in the TV series. I wondered if Barry’s concoction was a parallel to the likes of ayahuasca or other psychedelics, providing access to other levels of consciousness that is not available to the higher frequency beings normally? Just wondering…

The character Caitlin is the medical expert of the super team at Starlabs, who has an alter-ego called Killer Frost, or now to be more politically correct and aligned with the fact she doesn’t actually kill anyone, Frostie. Caitlin and Frostie battle it out at times to balance life here on Earth, like most of us have to juggle our positive and negative sides on a daily basis. This parallel and the lessons Caitlin/Frostie go through each episode is teaching us how to live in balance with the light and the dark, some call this Christ Consciousness in balance. There are theories by many, including the Rosicrucians that the light is Luciferian and a temptation for us to meter. This glorious white love light, that I mentioned earlier, can be too much of a good thing when we’re down here and Earth. We may have come from the love light as our source of origin, but we are not supposed to be hiding there or living there each day when we set a mission to be here in physical bodies to enjoy the material existence and all the experiences that come with it. The opposing force at the other end of the scale is the force of chaos, and that can include destruction. We are here on Earth to stay in the middle – balancing the light and the chaos, including our own positive and negative emotions, as is Caitlin/Frostie’s purpose in the show. Caitlin and Frostie enjoyed a one to one chat through connected consciousness in Season 6 Episode 2 (I think). The two of them negotiated terms of how to work together and how to live on Earth in harmony. I loved that scene and can TOTALLY relate to this, having been through this same experience of negotiation and finding an equilibrium with my greater self and the spirit team who support her/them, recently. This negotiation has enabled me to change my outcomes here on Earth a few times now, but also helping me live in a co-creation mode with spirit rather than constantly fighting against each other. I do now live with spirit coming through my body and guiding me most of the time now, but in the past they were clearly two very separate parts of me. In these later episodes Barry Allen is battling the dark side as he risks selling his soul to the dark side. Yep, that’s my life every day!

The show regularly deals with the concept of life and death including multiple Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) and the concept of rising again, which many know is a Christian concept of Jesus of Nazareth coming to life after crucifixion. Reincarnation as a concept is a direct parralel too, despite Christian rejection of its existence. Likewise the theory of personal sacrifice to save the world, with Barry Allen knowing he has to sacrifice himself as The Flash in order to save the world (many times over). This clearly is a fabulous parallel to the life of Jesus of Nazerath. Many of us also don’t realise how many human beings are actually spiritual beings who voluntered to be killed or sacrificed too. Many know before they get here that they are going to be sacrificed in wars, in accidents and as victims of abuse and neglect on Earth, in order to achieve important spiritual learnings and outcomes for humanity. This sacrifice can also be for the greater spiritual being’s growth, behind the ordinary human here on Earth. The show sneaks in the odd reference to the ‘answers being here all along’ – which they are, when you know. Oh, and don’t get me going about soul transfer, walk-ins and the role of other planetary beings taking over in exchange for a more successful material life or the promise of longevity and even eternal life with some pretty unsavoury exchanges (I dare not breathe into reality by naming them here). We have a visit to Lucifer Morningstar as a comic but pertinent spiritual reference and the power engrained in important books and objects (not wanting to be a spoiler for the later episodes). We also have shape shifters and soul take-overs by dark forces. It goes on…

Concepts of remaining in faith are throughout the long running series, but especially in the later seasons. The idea of faith is not about having faith in some imagined character in the top of the universe, but in each other as people. Barry’s adopted father, Joe West, had such faith in his extended family (including the Starlabs team) that never wavered, even to the last minute of his survival. This seems a good reminder to us all that we do have the ability to choose to be positively oriented and to be there for each other. In my own situation, where people around me have let me down so many times it is hard to imagine possible, I had previously lost faith in people (all people) and even in ‘God’. All of us need reminding from time to time and to be encouraged that we can be there for each other and to remain in faith. Most of all I loved the reminder that we need to remember each other and commit to supporting each other as an extended family. The Starlabs team’s idea of having faith in family is reinforced continually, but with family extending to cover friends and those we rely on at work too. I couldn’t stop thinking about all of us having a soul family or soul group that redefines what family really is all about as spiritual beings.

One of the characters, known as Gypsy’s father, is the tough guy threatening to kill Cisco Ramone, Starlabs super nerd and one of the key team. Gypsy’s Dad is the big tough guy dorning black leather biker gear and weathered face, with the most pertinent message breaking through, when he finally connects with his heart. He said that we have ‘difficult symptoms’ if we resist our inbuilt powers, referring to the metahuman within those in The Flash universes. This reminded me of my own spiritual awakening, which could be defined more like a spiritual emergency, with me thinking I was mentally ill and even physically ill after resisting these gifts within myself. It is also about me denying myself being myself in a judgemental family and society around me. There are expectations about what we should and shouldn’t do as males or females, as younger or older. We also have expectations that we need to go to University or we’re not considered intelligent (despite many of us having higher IQs than those who do). We may be considered we are doing the ‘wrong’ job because it isn’t as a financial advisor, farmer, accountant, stock broker or scientist or some other typical role. We may chose to have multiple careers very different from each other and yet others might call that ‘flakey’ (unfairly). My own famliy used to ask me why I didn’t ’get a real job’, rather than work in creative industries, more times than I care to count. Those of us who have creativity in our DNA can be considered less worthy in the current human reality. Many are forbidden to explore our passions and what makes us ‘tick’. Many of us are looked at with judgement because we are single and not married, or even don’t choose to put up with less aligned relationships just to conform with society. Some of us are judged for being independent, without attachment to other humans and especially just to fit in with the norms. This is the biggest message I got from The Flash, in lots of different ways throughout the series, but especially through this poignant moment with Gypsy’s Dad. We can live in our lifetime here unfulfilled and depressed if we are not able to be our true selves, whatever that form may be (with the caveat that you can’t be a pedophile or a mass murderer and consider that ‘being yourself’, sorry – nope!). We can also deny ourselves our biological spiritual gifts that we are naturally wired for, and is who we really are - as a greater eternal version of ourselves. We’re here on Earth living out a small part of ourselves with our memory shut off for the challenge and learnings it brings us. The game is to remember who we really are and be that!

I dream of a day when all children are born with an understanding of their spiritual blueprint and what the Akashic Records has to say are the gifts that each of us are pre-loaded with. In my fantasy world we allow each child to be themselves, and even foster those innate gifts from birth. It has taken me to nearly 60 years of age to finally be free of the judgement and limits of others, to embrace who I really am supposed to be – and supposed to have been this whole lifetime. My Akashic Records blueprint says that I have 65% of my talents are in communication and so now I’m boldly writing what I wouldn’t have ever thought was acceptable in the past. That’s especially so for a community that is so stuck in belief systems that are like Godspeed, the fake speedster, with people worshipping the wrong things including materialism, superficiality and service to self.

This new version of me feels like I’m living my purpose now. I wish that for everyone. Imagine this world where our inner meta human can come out and do what we came to do….? Just saying…



Anne Miles @alchemyanne
The Non-Believer’s Guide to Modern Prayer

A non-believer who had weird paranormal stuff happening, like purple flames on my body, hearing voices and seeing angels. Turns out I am a medium.