‘How can I manifest anything I want?’ (Ugh, that is sooo annoying).

If there is one thing that still sets me off on a rant it is this question – ‘How can I manifest anything I want?’. We live in a world of new-agers who claim that we can have everything we want if we ask, or we can have anything we want if we get to the right vibration. On the other and opposite hand we get the spiritual by-passers who say that it is ours only if it is ‘God’s Will’, and they leave their destiny and future all up to an invisible force (one that they rarely have any actual experience of other than blind belief and faith). The real truth is somewhere in between.

The foundation principle behind the new-ager’s claim is based on the concept of Free Will where we have the ability to choose whatever we want for ourselves in this reality. It is also assuming some actual science around quantum field theory and even neuro-science and psychology that impacts our sub-conscious – which is all true. However, the BIG forgotten issue is that this Free Will is granted to our greater self, as much as it is granted to us as humble third density humans. In a fight of will against will, I can guarantee you that our all-knowing, all-seeing, eternal self with millions of years experience in an unseen reality is the one that has the upper hand; no matter how hard we drive towards our own desires and intentions. The risk of finding the way around your own greater self and getting whatever you want, when you want, on command could be at the expense of your eternal self’s aim for ascension and spiritual growth. The consequences can be significant with your greater self realising the unfinished work here and then choosing a new lifetime to come back with even more challenges and difficulties to overcome, in order to complete this unfinished work. Some would define those who want to manifest material outcomes or superficial aspects in their life like wealth, fame, ownership of others and career opportunities as being in service to self, as opposed to being in service to others which is a definite block to spiritual growth. If the desires are not for the good of yourself, the good of others or the good of all then you are not progressing as an ascended being and will remain in the loop of lifetime after lifetime stuck on Earth to learn your lessons. Some Christians might refer to these people as ‘Fallen Angels’. However, not all who are bound to Earth for an eternal cycle of living in this density on Earth are defined this way as some have voluntarily come to Earth for the purpose of supporting humankind and serving others for eternity. Apparently I’m one of those (and it can feel overwhelming and a pretty shitty job sometimes, to be honest!!).

If we were the belief-based religious type, who leaves it all up to invisible forces that they blindly trust has everything all worked out for them, they’re likely to miss the opportunities for co-creation with spirit and to create the miracles and untapped alchemy that we’re here to discover and experience. We’re not designed to be passive and go along with whatever is ahead of us without question, without learning, without challenging ourselves or growing. The mistaken idea that anything that comes our way is designed for us by some God is also a mistake. There are influences from the other side that sometimes feel like they’re other-worldly but they are the result of negative influences and negative entities trying their hardest to stop us from reaching certain milestones and spiritual progress for their own gains. We can’t listen to everything that comes to us as intuition without metering it, being protected and with full visibility of both the dark and the light impacting us. Many of those who identify as Christians may be following what they think is their intuition. or their idea of God, telling them what to do, but it often turns out far from loving behaviour! No experience of The Absolute (my word for the highest source of all as the ultimate creator force) is going to be anything other than loving for all. No wars could possibly be called upon in the name of any God. No judgement, no harm and no alienation of others either. Those who follow those intuitive prompts are clearly being whispered to by negatively oriented entities, attachments, ultra-terrestrials or the consciousness of other beings trying to dampen the love light in the world; or to prevent certain outcomes that benefit those in service to self. Discernment of the intention of all spirit needs to be made, and our own free will is there to choose either the dark or the light, or anywhere on that spectrum between both opposing forces.

The true alchemical possibilities that are available to us are somewhere in between these two extreme ways of thinking.

The Art of Alchemy, in my experience, is the art of working in a co-creation mode between our human self, our greater self and the highest source of love light for the benefit of our own highest good, the good of others and the good of all. There is also a fair bit of juggling with the dark side that we cannot avoid too! This is a complex system using our conscious mind and our belief systems, working through unconscious issues and the power of the subconscious mind including our ability to visualise and see a new potential, using our neuro-biology (especially our reticular activating system that filters what we need) to be shown the opportunities that fit with our desires and wants, plus our physical body to be well-tuned, our auric bodies to be aligned and in tune too! There’s a lot! But, the most important part that people don’t often consider, or are even aware of, is the complex spiritual levels that impact all of this too including our greater self’s engrained thought forms, limiting beliefs from multiple lifetimes, karmic self-punishments, unwarranted karmic demands we put over ourselves, pre-birth plans that we set for ourselves for the sake of growth or even just for entertainment (remember it gets boring down here for an eternal being!). There’s no way in hell (well, hell doesn’t actually exist… but you know what I mean) that we can manifest anything if our greater self doesn’t want it. There is no way in hell we can manifest if the unseen negative forces are so strong that they get in your way every step you make. We need to get all of these systems functioning in harmony for us to create alchemy. No amount of adjusting your frequency will bring you certain desires if this is not your outcome to have. No amount of visualisations and vision boarding is going to bring this outcome to you if it is not yours to have. No amount of wishful thinking, positive thinking, action-oriented and goal-setting behaviour is going to make that desire into a reality if it isn’t yours to have.

The consequence of pushing hard and being driven to your own outcomes is something I know very well. As a trained life coach and with a multitude of other personal development certifications and modalities I have put into action just about every possible mindset and Earthly goal-oriented behaviour to create my own outcomes. The more people like me push, the harder they fall! I’m one of those people that was raised in a super religious Christian family with fear mongering as the driving force in our life. I was certainly expecting to go to hell even for uttering the expression ‘Oh my God!’. Having seen so many wars and unloving behaviour, even some uncool behaviour by my own Christian family I wanted nothing to do with religion. Like many others I bundled up spirituality with religion and rejected the lot of it. I became very materialistic, not in the money-grabbing sense, but in the belief in only a physical reality and material science like force, gravity and energy fields that science acknowledged. I was very self-driven and amazing at getting things down or achieving things. Little did I know that wasn’t my greater self’s mission for me in this lifetime and every way I turned those goals were cut down and blocked. I pushed harder and harder believing it was only a matter of determination, drive, hard work and doing more or learning more to become ‘better’. It never made sense to me or others around me that my world wasn’t where I was aiming. I certainly didn’t expect that this part of my life was intended to become a spiritually gifted person with abilities to see purple flames over my body, hear voices and to communicate with multi-dimensional beings including the highest source of all and my own greater self!

The Art of Alchemy is about balancing the dark and the light, working with our greater self on all levels of being, breaking through the blocks on all levels, treating our human body with the respect for the incredible machine or vehicle it really is. There are many things that we do have the ability to create for ourselves, and there are those things that are pretty much set in stone and we can only negotiate to change the conditions or circumstances for it. Most of the relevant work is in clearing the negative thought forms created in other frequencies, removing the cords and attachments by others who don’t wish well of us, removing the cords and attachments we have to others that end up limiting us and them, the psychic vampires who hang around and suck off our negative energy or even the fumes and effects of substances we consume, those who are deceased but we hold onto too tight and stop them from moving on and in turn stop us from moving forward, those vows and commitments we make as a greater self to experience in this lifetime, those self-punishments determined by our greater self who wants to redeem themselves in some way, our hang-over DNA from ancestors with extra-terrestrial heritage that is no longer serving us, stuck ancestral issues woven into our DNA too, or even those experiences our greater self chooses for us in this lifetime just to entertain themselves. That’s a lot, right!?

We do have the power to clear a lot of the work I’ve talked about here. Once you get through those limitations over you the art of alchemy comes alive. It was by removing negative thoughts relating to deep hurt, longstanding resentment and deep secret grief eating away at me, on top of blocked creativity, that I was able to call on the spiritual realm to perform psychic surgery on cervical cancer and clear it away just before mainstream surgery was due. I know that the psychic surgery was not permitted or possible without the spiritual work being done first. Some of the work I needed to do to clear these blocks could be done by visualisations and spiritual processes of releasing and cutting attachments to others, some was done by subconscious and conscious work, and some was done by getting my physical body clean (not for the fact it would have any impact on the cancer but because it helped me to have a better connection to spirit in order for the psychic surgery to come through in meditation).

As much as the Christians would like you to believe, belief is not really a factor that impacts our ability to alchemise. I didn’t believe in much of the stuff that was happening to me, but it still happened. It is a bit like saying that gravity only is real to those who believe it to be real. Gravity exists regardless of your beliefs about it. The one thing I have learned that does have an impact though is doubt. You cannot co-create with spirit in any way if you doubt it. If you doubt, you won’t even be open to anything coming your way, nor be discerning about what is a possibility and what is not. It is an open and empty mind that allows in the possibilities that are lined up for you. No traditional prayer that is full of wall to wall words begging and pleading for a different outcome will have any effect to bring in anything other than more of what you have and more negativity. No amount of chanting and breath work will allow in a genuine experience of spirit with communication for your best interest, as it is keeping your mind too active and blocking communication.

Fortunately, or unfortunately (however you wish to see things), I can see the future lined up in my own and others’ timelines. This most probable outcome exists as a reality in other levels of existence before it comes into reality down here. There are so many factors impacting the likelihood of those coming into this frequency though. Some influences we have the power to manipulate and change the outcome. Some would call this the power of manifesting, which suggests a belief system and some kind of visualisation forcing an outcome into reality. I don’t see alchemy the same way at all.

I’ve seen a second bout of cancer lined up for myself, and it was right at the edge of the cliff ready to come into my reality down here, including physical health symptoms I could feel. I happened to stumble across the specific negative attachment that was causing this potentiality – it was a toxic ex wishing harm to me as a retaliation for leaving him after many, many lifetimes of harmful relationships where he had even killed me over nine times before. Luckily for me, I caught this cancer just moments before coming into this reality and changed the trajectory of my life. I cleared this future version of cancer by doing the work to release the negative attachments and thought forms that were holding me back and impacting my future health. I realise that many would say that if it didn’t exist in this physical reality down here on Earth it never existed, but those who know enough about a quantum world will know that everything exists in the quantum field before coming into reality down here. This is the same for every physical thing that has to come from a thought, an idea or a visualisation before being created into physical form. Everything must exist in another frequency in order to manifest down here. I know the aim is to be able to catch the positive possibilities and allow them to come into our reality, and to clear the unwanted possibilities that we don’t have to experience unless we choose to in order to live a happy and fulfilled life in this lifetime.

We could also just leave it all up to chance and we may well arse some good outcomes for ourselves and then make that mean we’re awesome at manifesting! I think a lot of the self-development community make claim over these types of accidental outcomes and tell everyone that’s evidence they can have anything they want. Just saying…

I’ve learned that every person has a unique combination of blocks and limits that are in their way, and likewise they have unique mixes of DNA and ancestral baggage too. There is a mix of different purposes for this lifetime for each of us and we also have a pre-birth plan that needs to be respected, even if we do aim to re-negotiate the terms. This blueprint, of sorts, is the starting point for us to do the clearing the work that we came here to do. After that the alchemy truly begins!



Anne Miles @alchemyanne
The Non-Believer’s Guide to Modern Prayer

A non-believer who had weird paranormal stuff happening, like purple flames on my body, hearing voices and seeing angels. Turns out I am a medium.