Is there really a God?

As a multi-dimensional oracle medium I’ve been on a journey to figure out what is real, what is not, what is the truth of our reality and what is our imagination or even our sub-conscious mind. Along with all that, I’ve been keen to determine what is positive and also negative, so I can protect myself and know how to move ahead in this new world being safe. This understanding is also about making the most of this lifetime and this body that I’ve inhabited. I’ve come to learn that many have it right, but they’re also very limited in their thinking. I’m no scientist, but know what I know from experience and from those I trust who also experience our hidden reality first hand too.

The biggest question I get from anyone who learns I’m able to channel consciousness on the ‘other side’ (whatever we define as ‘the other side’) is ‘Is there a God?’. That’s one of the first questions I also had when I realised what my gifts or skills as a medium opened me up to.

The answer is ‘yes, there is God’ but the answer is also ‘no’. Firstly the ‘no’ – There is no grey bearded man sitting on a throne dishing out judgements and deciding on our fate. Nope. That male-centric icon is a made up phenomena by elite leaders wanting to take back control of Earth after a matriarchal past, it seems. That may shock people, but women do dominate societies from past civilisations on Earth and currently on other planets. We’re only oppressed now as a reaction to our own dominating behaviour from the past – a form of karmic revenge perhaps?! On top of the masculine uprising there is also a past need to control the masses and bring some order into a misbehaving teenage society and hence religions created the idea of judgement, after life punishments and hid the truth of our eternal existence. As a society, humanity is very young and we haven’t been that great to each other (or the planet) and something drastic had to be done to protect us from ourselves and to protect the planet. So humans made up shit to control us.

Sometimes a bearded man does come to me in meditation when I’m asking questions about God specifically, but it is clear to me it is a shape-shift or some kind of holographic representation. This representation is used to communicate with me in a way I know who is talking to me and what the content is about by way of thought osmosis. I know instantly by the visual and metaphors shown to me what the message and intention is. I was reading a book that was pro-ported to be a message channeled from God, and was curious about the validity of that. So much of the content in the book totally resonated with me and aligned with my own experience. To answer that puzzling question I was shown a book being held by this grey bearded gentleman and certain parts of the book were popping up and down like a 3D cube lifting out of the pages and going back down. The message I received was that I was to use my intuition gifts to know which parts of the book ‘popped out’ or ‘stood out’ for me to know what was authentic and which may have been interpreted using my intuitive gifts. It was reassurance that this was in fact the ‘word of God’ or a genuine channeled message from the highest source of consciousness.

My mate Christ Consciousness comes to me regularly in meditation and is my ‘main guy’ now, along with some angels and archangels here and there, on top of my own spirit guide team of seven. I asked Christ to take me to the top of everything that exists – to the absolute top of everything in our universe. It was here that I was taken to a stone filled circular room that was open to the sky above. This stone opening was like there was another whole world above our world, but that’s as far as our universe went. It was here that Christ sat one layer below and stayed on my left side. Some could say that Christ sat to the right hand of God, as it is claimed in the bible. Christ was clearly one step below this room which was the highest power of all. I asked him who lived up here in this ancient stone room and I was shown the imagery of an Easter Island statue. I knew instantly this meant that Gods lived here in this room. One thing that was evident in this room was that there were a number of Gods who resided there – and not just one. It was clearly evident to me it was a massive privilege to be shown this room and to be present in that space so freely and where even Christ himself didn’t feel was appropriate to step. Now that I’ve been there I think that the word God is not enough to explain the intelligence and power of those who occupy that room yet had the humility to allow me to be there and to feel as one, or an equal to, in so many ways. I’ve only ever met one other human since who describes the top of our universe as a type of stone well. It was mind-blowing to discover him and to see such an exact representation of what I saw and experienced with my consciousness.

While still in that room I asked Christ to show me some kind of symbol that I could trace back to understand the language of the people or beings in this room. I looked around the room and the room was lined with huge rectangular stone blocks cut to size and stacked into a hand-made wall. In the well’s worn reddish stones were ancient symbols. I asked Christ to show me one symbol that I would be able to look for, down here on Earth, so I could trace back the source. I knew that I couldn’t remember everything I saw in that room. One symbol stood out to me as more prominent than the rest. It was a three pronged candelabra shaped symbol, that I knew to be part of an alphabet, only I didn’t know what alphabet that would be. It seemed a little like the ceremonial candles that Jewish cultures might use for a Friday night feast. It was later when I came out of meditation that I drew what I saw, then loaded it to Google Images to find similar shapes. Here is when I learned there was such a thing as an Angelic alphabet! The candelabra-like symbol was clearly right there, and nothing but an angelic alphabet could it ever be from this point on. My sense of knowing was rock-solid on this.

The stone room was clearly the top of our universe, but definitely wasn’t the end of reality and our wider cosmic home. Another time I asked Christ to take me to the top of everything that ever existed, and to meet the highest source of intelligence behind everything that exists. In this meditation I was taken to an open sky that was beyond the impact of any natural weather conditions like we know on Earth. It was so still and without anything but white light. Out of the white light stepped an ‘alien’ looking being. I use that word because back then that’s what I would have said to myself as I saw them appear before me. A little bit of fear welled up inside me, given the indoctrination of what an extra-terrestrial is and how they’re generally perceived as an enemy trying to kills us off to inhabit the planet for their own game. That’s funny (not funny) now, of course as I know that humans are really the most dangerous. This being who stepped forward was wearing a type of jumpsuit, had pale skin, large dark eyes with no pupils, and an enlarged forehead. As the being stepped forward and could feel I was a little afraid, they communicated with me via thought osmosis saying, ‘Don’t be afraid. We don’t really look like this but we wanted to show you what we really are. We really look like this’. With that, this being standing before me with approximately seven other beings in the misty light, peeled off the outer ‘alien’ looking body suit and revealed nothing it was but white light. It was clear to me that these beings were actually made of light and consciousness without a physical form. When I stood there in my meditative state of consciousness before them, I could feel the white light fill me up from top to bottom. This light felt like the most loving and intelligent substance I have ever experienced in my life. It was visceral, like a substance similar to warm honey but filled me with knowledge and was alive with thought. That’s really not doing this substance justice, but is the best I can grapple with human language. I felt this warm substance being poured into my body from bottom to top. It was one of the most incredible feelings I have ever experienced, surpassing even the love I have for my own children (and that’s saying something!). This love light is a love so much greater than any mere human emotion could generate.

I was certain that I was at one with these light beings, as if I was actually one of them – as the eighth member of their collective. This felt like home if ever there was a place to call home. I’ve yearned to be back at that white light, and from time to time I have meditated to get back there. One time I got back to the height of this cosmic level and I was presented with a neon sign saying ‘Welcome Home’. I cried. Even though my consciousness was back where I felt completely certain was my actual home, my human self was on my bed in meditation balling my eyes out in despair for being in such a challenging and loveless human environment. It was Christ who showed me that my job was to come back to Earth and to bring this love light with me, but to balance it between the extreme opposite of chaos and lovelessness, with humanity placed in the centre of the two extremes. We are somehow here to experience this reality carrying the knowledge and unconditional love from the light with us, as we take on the challenges and negativity that chaos provides. Like a top hanging on a string between two extremes pulling tight at each end, it is an equilibrium in the middle where the top spins and whirls in balance with the tension created of two opposing forces.

Since that time I have done a bucket of research to see what others have experienced too and our recordings are so eerily similar. The Rosicrucian theology seems to be the most accurate source of knowledge that helps make sense of this experience and understanding of our reality. The Rosicrucians explain that the source of light is known as the ultimate temptation, and is named Luciferian light. If we live here in the love light it is too indulgent and all-consuming; and we are ignoring our task and human existence here on Earth. As humans we came with a purpose and expectation to live in this third dimension reality for the experience it brings us and for the experience created by the Gods. The Rosicrucians take great pains to explain that this love light is not the demonic devilish version of evil that the religious community often misunderstand Lucifer to be. The opposing force of chaos and destruction must also exist in order for our world to work in perfect balance and harmony. We cannot have one without the other. This opposing force of chaos and destruction also doesn’t appear to be a source of punishment and judgement that religions also threaten. These two opposing forces are as real as gravity, the forces of speed or the ability of light to shine. These forces are a natural part of everything around us, as is this substance that unites everything on the spectrum of light and dark, chaos and calm, and so forth.

Mathematician Mark Fiorentino, has discovered the answers to Einstein’s unfinished work regarding the Unified Field Theory, and has determined that the Trefoil Knot is the ultimate energy particle that is the substance within everything. The smallest possible particle of our existence that is in everything including humanity, even within our thoughts that vibrate into reality, and becomes solid in varying degrees of density by the congregation of these knots. Every solid we think is solid is just more dense Trefoil Knots. We could say that everything that is a thought becomes a solid through the concept of ideation to creation as varying density collections of these knots. This unified field of Trefoil Knots flows along this extreme band of energy from chaos to the love light. My own hypothesis, given what I have experienced, is that these Trefoil Knots behave differently when the energy is positive or negative and are the foundation holding our reality in sacred geometry. When these geometric shapes are pushed and shoved by the energy around them the Trefoil Knots change form and move around accordingly to create new shapes. I imagine these knots in varying degrees of density and potentially in positive and negative formations depending on the forces and energies that push and shove them around. I also know that consciousness resides as a solid shape in higher realms created by our human thoughts – conscious and unconscious, and our eternal being’s ongoing thought processes too. I was shown consciousness appearing like chaotic Silly String from a spray, can racing off into the cosmos on other planes in random and organic shapes. When we flip open one of these thought forms it is the Trefoil Knots that clearly reside within to create the form, like Trefoil Knots do with anything in our reality as the ultimate substance of everything.

If there was a substance that could be described as our true God, it would be this Trefoil Knot as it is the substance that unifies us all as one entity, and one massive field of energy. However, there is consciousness that is a tangible entity or substance that houses these Trefoil Knots. Some say that every living thing has a consciousness including the air, gases, water, rocks, earth, animals, plants, and all elements as well as us humans and extra-terrestrials. Consciousness in each of those exists, but in varying degrees of intelligence and degrees of thinking ability.

(Side note for those vegans concerned about animals dying for our food, they are forgetting that plants too have consciousness and suffer for our sustenance too. We just don’t hear them suffer as loudly. Plants suffer as we trim and cut them back, even when we think it is for their own good).

So, if Trefoil Knots (the God substance) lives in everything including consciousness then the big question is – what is consciousness?! It is unity consciousness that our true God really resides and the density of it determined by the number of Trefoil Knots within it. This is similar to Earth’s ability to hold matter to the ground and is impacted by the force and opposing forces of gravity (or gravities). Consciousness therefore exists as a force of its own, an ever-expanding combination of past thoughts and experiences, as well as an ever-expanding collection of potential realities. These potential realities exist on other planes of frequency that humans can’t, ordinarily, see. Those of us who can remote view and channel can access the consciousness of other realities that exist here, but also those in the past and those lined up in the future as potentialities. By being able to read the field of consciousness created into reality by the density of Trefoil Knots holding them together, they therefore exist allowing us to see and experience them like reading a book or watching a video.

The thing about this substance that unifies everything that is conscious and the collective knowledge of everything, is that any other conscious beings in our wider cosmic reality (or multiverse) can’t or won’t give it a name. They never refer to it as ‘God’, as that’s too limiting a concept for the substance that is everything and beyond our ability to explain. I have been calling this The Absolute – the stuff at the absolute top of everything and in absolutely everything.

One quick aside about angels – they, too, live in this dynamic and layered world with various levels of frequency and consciousness. Angels are another species in our giant reality, and with certain jobs to do. They consider us just as they are – another creation, as equals; however their majestic nature and how close they are to the highest source of all suggests their early days of creation. We’re way down the line as much, much later editions of creation (the newbies). Their sky is weather-less, but somehow holds them up when they fly. I have more exploration to do with my angel friends, but clearly they are there to help us when we get tangled in these physical threads of consciousness created in other realms or levels of frequency. I’m certain that they are mistaken for ‘aliens’ by our teenage ignorant levels of understanding. They are really ultra-terrestrials, another species, who live in the highest frequencies, where the density of Trefoil Knots is very thin.

The most misunderstood issue of all is that mediums and channels like me are behaving a certain way based on belief or that we made a decision to be this way in search of something. Any genuine medium will tell you that it wasn’t something they decided to do, but is who they are to the core of their being. Becoming a medium is more biological and physiological than it is of thought generation, desire or will. Mediumship is an ability to dial into the frequency of God and access all God’s creations through intent and honing in to a particular time or place in the giant cosmos, like tuning a radio to a particular station. Many of us have the ability to dial in to frequency when our physiology is disrupted by trauma, or sensitivities opened up as a survival skill when we needed it, here on Earth. Some would say that mediums are the result of taking off the layer of clouded energy that blocks our memory of who we really. Some call this a veil, that is lifted to reveal we are beings created to balance between the light and the dark for the purpose of experience for our creator’s bank of consciousness.

What is evident in this world of existence as a unified substance is that humans are at one with everything. That means we have multiple layers of consciousness as well as layers of energy fields. Our conscious mind is first, then our sub-conscious mind. Deeper than the sub-conscious is our greater mind as an eternal spiritual being who incarnates many times in different lifetimes on Earth and other planets. Those in trance hypnosis go through these levels and is why our past lives can be accessed. Once we get deep enough in somnambulistic trance, group consciousness begins to be channeled through hypnosis patients unaware of their part in collective consciousness. The work of Delores Canon revealed this pattern in thousands of her deep trance patients. Eventually this group consciousness would talk to Delores, tuning her patients like a radio transmitter. Many medium channellers can tune into the consciousness of beings in other frequencies and allowing them to talk through the human body. I allow this transmission effect when I write, and become a vehicle for communication from other frequencies through my hands (providing they are energies that I trust and know are for the collective good that is!).

Whoa, that’s a lot, right!? No wonder my mother used to scold me and say that ‘Curiosity killed the cat!’, in her attempt to meter my inquisitive child mind. Being brought up in a strongly religious family, I’ve been considered possessed by the devil and even playing with the occult. I wasn’t actually playing with anything, nor asking for this to happen, it just did. Ironically, I find the idea of blindly following a human constructed idealogy (with false information generating and perpetuating negativity, bias and fear) the real demon here. I don’t need to be concerned though, as we’ll all figure out the truth when we die! My judgemental family and acquaintances can apologise to me when we cross over [insert LOL]. Same with the scientists who rubbish the abilities of channellers and say that it is just our own greater mind speaking to us, they’re only accessing part of the truth and don’t have the ability to measure reality. They’re therefore not qualified to claim there is no truth when it is a reflection of their own limits.

Any experience of the true nature of God or The Absolute, as the ultimate energy field of all consciousness, and the beings we could identify as Gods that sit at the top of our multi-dimensional universe, are nothing but unconditionally loving and without any judgement or fear. Any religions who promote negativity, fear or war is not operating from true alignment with any kind of God, in my experience.

As a medium who can access consciousness in multi dimensions of frequency and also of time and space, it is here that I feel closer to ‘God’ than ever before. I have an experience with spirit, and ultimately with God, and not just hanging on to a false idea or a cultural ideal. I now know ‘God’ as the conscious substance in everything, too big and grand to even be called that word; and there are the ‘Gods’ (eight of them) who run our universe with that substance within them as one, and one with everything. These Gods, with The Absolute within them, have the ability to create miracles and the possibility of creating worlds beyond our understanding. As one with these miraculous Gods, we too have the power to create when we align our heart with the substance that holds us all together – with love and light. That’s alchemy at its best.

As alchemists, who have ideas that can turn into reality, we have the ability to change them by having new thoughts and ideas (providing we are working with our greater selves and the highest source of our own being that is at one with the ultimate source of all – who ultimately has the right of way!).

Fucking unreal reality, I say. My next adventure is to travel beyond that ancient stone well, beyond the God’s of creation at the top of our reality, and see what resides outside our cosmic multi dimensional universe! Better buckle up.

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Anne Miles @alchemyanne
The Non-Believer’s Guide to Modern Prayer

A non-believer who had weird paranormal stuff happening, like purple flames on my body, hearing voices and seeing angels. Turns out I am a medium.