The angels showed me where our consciousness lives

I appreciate how funny my life is now that I can communicate with Christ Consciousness and the myriad of angels whom I meet. It is all pretty strange and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny. I now know that no question seems too big or too small for the angelic realm, which seems ironic for those of us raised thinking deities were out of our reach, that we were undeserving of their attention or even denied their existence. Well, even the fact we refer to angels as deities is even a bit wrong, as far as I can tell. They don’t see themselves that way, as they seem like they’re doing the job they were created for and consider themselves as equal creations, from different places and times. Saying that, I don’t want to diminish how awesome, powerful, pure and close to the highest source of all that they really are. They’re much older and wiser, as they go back as far as an infinite being can possibly go as one of the first creations.

From finding my missing sunglasses by showing me where they are in remote viewing, to understanding the construction of the entire Universe, I get the answers I need mostly in meditation. Sometimes I get other communications like hearing a voice, a touch of my body, a rush of goosebumps (left side for the past and right side for the future, both sides for a BIG ‘yes’), a particular sound and air pressure in my ear (right for yes, and left for no) and other times I feel the air pressure change around me or within me, and information is communicated in an instant knowing. Sometimes I see my DNA being upgraded as it spins before me in meditation. I most often see pages and pages of typed information fall into my orbit like an old fashioned newspaper printing press might move a huge amount of newspapers on a conveyor belt at speed, which I know is stored information to come out through my fingers, to be typed out when the time is right.

Today I asked where consciousness lives in the quantum world we live in. I was shown the most beautiful empty but infinite sky that was glowing pink, tinted with a tinge of yellow from the glow of light at sunset, with painterly soft clouds whisping in the background; only I knew that weather didn’t actually exist up there. In fact ‘sunset’ is a human made up idea in any case, as the sun never actually sets, but the Earth rotates instead. In this pink void above everything in our Universe, angels were suspended in this infinite and windless space as beautiful majestic beings with huge white wings. At their choice they could fly and move effortlessly in this infinite space. I was then shown a stream of information like a big silver digital tube or a tunnel of silver digital information that was shooting upwards from below and heading up there towards the angels. I could see a person working at a desk, having an idea or a thought and that thought, once created, became that tunnel that shot up into the unknown. I want to say it shot up into the future, but given that everything exists at once I don’t think that’s actually quite right, but this is how we might know it as humans.

It was like I was travelling at speed within this tube of thought, like on a giant digital roller coaster, and at the point that the idea was created the tunnel froze still like stopping an old film and looking at one single frame along the film strip. The frozen moment was the record of that particular thought in that particular time and space, like a cross section. If we cut open the stem of a growing plant we’d see the cross section of cells, water and the chlorophyll that makes up the plant, equally a frozen moment in the flow of growth of the plant. So, too if this tunnel of consciousness was paused and cut open, or reviewed at any point in its formation, a cross section according to the time and space that it was created could be visible.

I could see these thoughts flying up into the pink sky space like a spray of “Silly String”. For those who know this product it is a spray can that propels this squiggly semi-solid string unexpectedly instead of liquid spray, and is usually used by children for fun (which it is). This silly string is not that tidy and doesn’t follow any particular wave forms. Silly String can be shot out upwards, downwards, across ways, and all over-the-shop ways. Silly String can eject in straight threads, wiggly threads and sometimes clumps and tangles. Our thoughts fly out like this into the spirit dimensions and Superverse* environment as a crazy silver wire, wiggly and shooting about all over the place. Sometimes, in this meditation, I could see a human body representing the spirit of a human as it lives in the higher realms, with their limbs caught in these silver wires of thoughts like a bird might get it’s feet caught in a net in a tangle and unable to get out without human assistance. These people, better described as spiritual selves, can be attached to the wire and unable to free themselves from the thought form like the bird in the net.

At times an angel had to fly down and set them free from the silver tangled thought form strings. When the human’s likeness or spiritual self was flying around in this space between thoughts they appear stiff and motionless, like those who “plank” for social media status here on Earth. If they were floating down the levels of the wider space they would appear stiff as a board tilting downwards, with their head facing down. If they were travelling upwards in the space the head would be facing up and the face turned upward, and the otherwise stiff-as-a-board body facing up, with hands and arms held tightly beside the body and their legs held close together. No wings are seen on the human’s spiritual replica (or our spiritual true self) in this realm.

I can see there are battles between these negative thought forms and the humans’ spiritual selves who have these thoughts. These thoughts can likewise be created about our spiritual selves by others and this can keep us stuck in a tangle in the wire if we believe them to be true or attach to them in some way. Negative thoughts by others can unknowingly be the thing that is holding us back from something we want and even need in this lifetime on Earth. The angels would swoop down and drop onto the being stuck in the wire, to prevent them from remaining attached to the wiggly silver stringed streams of consciousness. The angels would bomb, feet first, and push the beings out of the silver string and release them down to the lower levels in this world. I thought it was funny at first, but then realised that this was quite a serious dilemma for the stuck spiritual body and the angels were doing us a massive service by releasing us. Whoops. I often laugh at the things that I probably shouldn’t, but luckily haven’t been set on fire for it yet.

Those who were once stuck in the negative thought forms are then set free and free fall away from the negative thought string form. It is clear these angels are a mighty power and this is their domain.

In my pursuit for an understanding of the scientific signature of the highest possible intelligence (our Creator, God, Source as some refer to it, or The Absolute as I often refer to it), I asked Christ Consciousness where the Trefoil Knot lives.

Through the work of Mark Fiorentino, author of Master of Reality and the genius mathematician that has successfully resolved the unfinished work of Albert Einstein on the Unified Field Theory, I learned that the smallest possible particle within everything that unifies all of existence is called the Trefoil Knot. The simple Trefoil Knot, named after the three leaf clover (or trefoil) plant is our answer to what is within the structure of everything and source of creation of everything. It is the energetic geometry that forms apparent mass in our Universe (referred to as Gravity One Mass by Mark Fiorentino). This tiny particle is the smallest mathematical knot that flows in an infinite cycle of three tight loops. We will be unlikely to see the knot directly or probe it with our known technology, but it can be simulated on a computer. This particle is beautiful in its simplicity and the fact it has been described as having a tiny hum as it vibrates makes it all the more intriguing to me. I now understand why many Near Death Experiencers (NDE’ers) say that everything we see and think has a musical sound to it that we can understand like a language. Likewise, when the Trefoil Knot spins fast it can appear as a round ball changing its true three sided appearance, making some scientists think it is different than it really is. When the Trefoil Knot combines, to form what we perceive as a solid object, it is really an ‘Apparent Mass Generation’ because perceived as solid, but is in fact still the same energetic composition as the rest of the Superverse. Mark Fiorentino explains that this Trefoil Knot gives him the clues that helped him discover the secrets of anti-gravity and is at the centre of Intelligent Design Theory, and behind our intelligently designed Universe. Because of Mark’s work we will see travel to far distant stars and galaxies take just minutes in the near future. These are incredible discoveries that, for some, will be as big as finding out the Earth is not flat (that’s putting aside any ‘flat Earth’ theory for now). For me, this discovery of Mark’s is as big as me learning that we are not alone in this Universe and this knot could be the explanation as to what makes creation. This knot is what we are all made of and unifies us all as beings with everything else in the Universe and potentially all universes. For those who align with the word ‘God’, then this is it. Really big. Mark’s work falls outside what is believed to be possible with current known physics. Mark’s latest paper submitted to the highly acclaimed Research Gate used differential equations that demonstrate that what he proposes is in fact possible with known mathematics and physics laws. Mark considers this ‘More sensible theory than either Quantum Theory or String Theory’. No doubt Mark will be seeing a Nobel prize in his orbit some time soon, in my humble opinion! This cool little Trefoil Knot has been on my mind since I learned about it, and I had to ask Christ how it fits with consciousness and conscious thoughts.

Christ Consciousness showed me one of these silver (silly) strings of conscious thought up close to me in meditation. The string broke in half and opened up, like it had a ‘flip top head’ (yes, I’ve watched too many ads in my time for those who recognise that toothbrush ad, where the head flipped open to reach the teeth at the back, from too long ago to mention). This opening was like a levered lid opened, leaving two cross-sections exposed, one on each side of the silver Silly String thread, still attached at the left side. It was like a bread bun opened up ready for that burger. It was clear that the Trefoil Knot lives inside this string of consciousness or thought, as the carrier of the energetic information contained within these thought forms. I had previously assumed that conscious thought lived inside the knot itself, but I was mistaken. It was clear that the knot lives within the thought strings the same way it lives within everything. These thought forms are therefore their own energetic form that we are not yet able to measure as humans, nor with our current technology. If they were radio waves they’d transmit through the airwaves in a shape we can detect on meters and print them out as a particular pattern. If we could dive in close enough we’d find the Trefoil Knot moving within the waves. Like with our heart beat, we can track the shape of the waves with a machine’s needle that jumps up and down in a repeating and corresponding pattern. The Trefoil Knot would likely be forming a pattern out of our chests in a corresponding pattern of rhythmic ups and downs with the Trefoil Knot at the core. I was shown that the difference between these wave forms and a thought form is that the thought form is wiggly and an erratic shape that doesn’t appear to be predictable – if it were possible to be captured by a camera or some recording device.

With the visions that I am shown comes a download of understanding through the process of thought osmosis. I have information download into my consciousness and I have instant understanding of the meaning of it, without thinking. In this case the big understanding that came through is that these thought forms are more powerful and even more dangerous than we think. Our thought forms are a creation, like any other creation that uses this Trefoil Knot to grow itself and to change form by grouping lots of tiny knots together that then appears to become a physical form or entity. Mark Fiorentino explained to me that solids are made with the same Trefoil Knot, however what makes the object appear solid is that the knots are static as they group together to make the appropriate shape, so dense that we can touch and feel it. So too are our thought forms made into this silly string structure as a silver wire form, even though less dense than an Earth-bound object.

Both are not actually solid, but one appears more solid than the other. A thought form can tangle around us and keep our spiritual self tangled in the abyss, or we can have fun creating a scribbly mess by waving our thoughts around in a creative endeavour and in play for fun too. The creation of these thought forms is within our power, but if we get stuck the good thing is that (if we ask) our angels can knock us out of the thought forms we get stuck on. I see that it isn’t often we get ourselves out of them alone. We can be stuck there for lifetimes, lying there like a decoration hanging on a Christmas tree and like a bird caught in a net and has given up fighting.

You know by now I’m not a fan of outdated prayer because we don’t have the right requests for the unseen world around us, and we fill our mind with begging and pleading that only embeds doubt and negativity into our spiritual realm. The more we pray in this old way the more negative thought forms are created to hold us in the ever expanding trap. I know now that we need to ask to be untangled from the specific negative thought form we are stuck on (and there are likely many of them). Getting released from the tangle comes first by identifying when we are stuck and taking personal responsibility for getting there. Next, we can thank and release the person that tangled us for the learning that is now evolving us to a higher level. Once we know what is making us stuck we can demonstrate the advancement or ascension and then specifically ask to be set free and untangled from it. Once we demonstrate we have progressed we will be released.

I could also see entities or other beings come and interact with us as we generate ideas here on Earth and to even influence the ideas we think are our own. In meditation I am conscious (as in aware) that the thoughts and images I’m shown are not my own, and I know how to use my discretion to choose what to do with them. There are times in all our lives when entities on the other side are choosing to either harm us or help us without our conscious awareness in this way. I could see a dark entity reaching its negative dark hand across the desk to guide the hand of a human who was writing an idea out on paper. That idea is then created and projected into the spiritual realm as a negative thought form permanently formed into the silver silly string creation. That negativity is there to catch our spiritual self or the spiritual form of others too, like a net.

We need to be more mindful of the source of our thoughts and ensure that only those loving and positive thoughts become a reality. We need to be more mindful that the thoughts that come to us may not always be our own and to be discerning whether it is in service of ourselves, or in service of the greater good. That discovery of the two different worlds of the negative and the positive is another topic for another day! Until then, remember that the choice is yours and very soon it will be a decision made for eternity, so choose very wisely.

I do have a wonderful thought in my mind now of Mark Fiorentino having his hand on the paper before him as he forms calculations and complex mathematical ideas, being guided by the spirit of Albert Einstein. I can imagine Einstein’s hand guiding Mark’s hand as he writes, helping him solve humanity’s biggest puzzle for the greater good. I know I have the hand of Christ helping me to share ideas that are intended to help humanity see our true spiritual nature and identify the behaviours that religions have adopted over thousands of years that are not actually helping us, and even harming us.

Our purpose here on Earth in physical form (as physical as a Trefoil Knot can get, that is) is to learn and discover what is holding us back and to ask to release ourselves from it in order to progress in the spiritual realm. Trust that once you ask, your designated angel team will get on the job and fly down and do a simple ‘bomb’ onto our spiritual body and knock us out of the tangle that we otherwise can’t escape. It is from there that our lives begin to flow again and we have the opportunity to become who we were designed to be. Each time we are released from these entanglements we progress in the spiritual realm and ascend closer to the eternal and all loving place that many of us dream of going to – that loving light-filled intelligence of everything.

It is our thought forms that are really our biggest enemy (against ourselves and others) and perhaps our biggest gift of creation. Every thought ever thought remains a silver thread in the infinite space in the spiritual realm around us and exists before we turn these thoughts into a reality down here on the third dimension of Earth. As someone who has been a strong activist in the past, I also know now that the beliefs and attention that activism gives to the negativity creates more of it in the world and holds the greater population to those thoughts. We are doing the exact opposite of our good intentions! Praying over the welfare of people we care about by focusing on what’s wrong with them, their ailments or our judgement about what is ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ creates more of this on the spiritual realm and holds them there. It is, similarly, the opposite of our best intentions. Our focus in the media of the negativity or ‘unwanted’ experiences on Earth is a mind control mechanism to create fearful thoughts that trap our consciousness and limited our progression to the light. We are much better off being thankful for ours and others’ wellbeing and to send unconditional love light no matter what the life experiences hold. We need to see others as whole and complete however they are right now.

I stopped watching TV on the news when 9/11 was broadcast as I was so aware that we were creating more of it by focusing on fear and destruction. The alternative reality we had the choice to rally behind was the creation of a mass desire for more love in the world. I don’t know any human who wants more terrorism in our world, but focusing on it only holds us to it. I’d rather us honour those who sacrificed themselves who showed us how much we actually value love and compassion for each other.

There are scientific studies that show that if we pray in this feeling based and positive way we can have a tangible impact on war and devastating eventsˆ. This is not the ‘airy-fairy’ belief system some might assume spirituality is made of.

Negative thought exists on many planes including our physical bodies in many types of thought forms, including the conscious mind’s interpretation of belief systems stuck in our culture or ancestral lines, it can be conscious or subconscious in spiritual form but also stuck in our physical bodies festering into illness, it can be in the form of spiritual contracts, vows or patterns from past life experiences and it can even be for the purposes of making change for the better here on Earth. Some of our thoughts can seem negative or ‘unwanted’ on face value but are there to serve us in some ways such as to protect us from harm or to stop us taking certain actions against our pre-birth plan.

I have been reminded by Christ many times when I’ve been feeling that my life experiences are too much for me, that he chose to come here to be hung on the cross to push us out of a negative state as a collective humanity and help us realise there is a more loving way. Christ, when incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth, was evolved enough as a seventh dimensional spiritual being who remembered who he really was. His human self chose to co-create the reality he experienced here on Earth by his intention and thought aligned with the greater unity force of that Trefoil Knot that unities us. Jesus didn’t run and hide from his intended difficulites, as might have been an option if his human self was biased to serving the self instead of others. His decisions were formed out of his thoughts based on understanding of his true self and he knew that his experience had a larger purpose for the good of all.

After learning all this I have become so incredibly considered with the thoughts I choose to engage with. As humans negative thoughts seem to haunt us more than we realise and for those of us with a lot of trauma and difficult life experiences (not only in this lifetime but many others before) it can be extra challenging to keep a positive mindset. The best thing we can do is to be aware and listen to everything we think and speak and make immediate corrections that are more positive.

Don’t get me started on those humans who do what I call ‘spiritual by-passing’ or just be plain rude and unloving if we do have some unwanted thoughts. Those people who say uncaring things like ‘Look on the bright side’, ‘It must be God’s Will’, or ‘Well, at least….[insert a positive thing they made up that counters or denies any experience you may be having]’. Ugh. We do absolutely need to acknowledge our current reality and any feelings we’re feeling. We cannot deny ourselves or others of the intense experience that Earth can be for some of us. The challenges ARE real, despite those who throw around concepts of a simulated Universe. We cannot disregard or disrespect these Earthly experiences and must let them pass right through our bodies without blocking them or letting them get stuck. Instead, acknowledge the feelings and thoughts and let them run through you fully, and then learn from them and release them. The learning may be as simple as creating a desire about a more positive future or for some values that we hold more dear. Then, trust in yourself and the higher realm to work out what is needed to rectify it. Sometimes it isn’t as easy as saying something else out loud or with feeling in your mind. It may also take deeper work to see if we have vows, contracts and a locked in pre-birth plan that means we can’t avoid this experience no matter how hard we try.

If you only believe in the conscious and sub-conscious mind (as I used to in life coach mode), you are certainly limiting your own evolution and growth, and potentially that of others around you.

This spiritual work I talk about here is deeply multi-layered, but it begins with the conscious mind as the first step, then our sub-conscious mind as the second. All of us as humans have the power to take responsibility for these first two levels, even if we don’t believe in anything more than ourselves and our physical existence here on Earth. Every word we utter inside our mind or through our lips is a clue to the hidden belief systems we hold as true. Listen for them and question the source of everything you believe. Ask yourself ‘Who’s voice is that, really?’. Start here. The deeper work on this is a bigger conversation for another day…

As an act of creation our thoughts can create a positive future or a negative one and no doubt its hum will show us which, if we could only listen that closely. In the higher realms our thoughts are every bit as real as the physical things around us down here, and is made of the very same substance that holds us all united on every dimension from the top of all creation to the depths of the inner core of Earth. We need to be more careful of the things we say to ourselves and others than we likely ever thought. Even if we don’t know for certain that what I’ve been shown here is real, it is not the skeptic or the uncertain who will be stuck; only the doubter. The truth of spirituality is beyond belief systems and doesn’t require belief, but it certainly is resistant to doubts and negative thought forms. Time to start taking our thoughts more seriously!

*Superverse is the place that contains not just our Universe but the infinite Universes and dimensions, including the spiritual realms.

ˆ Check out the work of Gregg Braden who regularly dissects the intersection of science and spirituality. He is a scientist himself and has good references on this topic Prayer – Gregg Braden

Big thanks to Mark Fiorentino. For those who would like to read more of Mark Fiorionto’s discoveries, here’s the Link for Mark’s book Super Relativity:



Anne Miles @alchemyanne
The Non-Believer’s Guide to Modern Prayer

A non-believer who had weird paranormal stuff happening, like purple flames on my body, hearing voices and seeing angels. Turns out I am a medium.