This is how I negotiated my way out of cancer, twice

Having been through the process of healing diagnosed cancer successfully once, I was certain that I could do it a second time. However, no matter which way I turned, the second bout was near impossible to work through with my spirit team telling me ‘no’ over and over. I’d receive a big ‘no’ by way of an ‘X’ presented to me while in meditation. Sometimes I would have unexplained interventions stopping me from having healing work done. I wasn’t permitted to achieve the healing, by way of a mind quarantine of sorts. Yes, I was really frustrated and peeved. In a new age, with coaches and well meaning people telling us we can have anything we want I couldn’t figure it out.

Firstly, I need to remind you that I don’t live entirely in this third dimension down here these days and communicating with ‘the other side’ continually is part of my life now. The information I receive is never wrong and always with clear translation through thought osmosis. Sometimes I might be ahead of time and not quite understand the meaning, but eventually when the world catches up it can be validated later. It was in meditation that I asked where in my body was cancerous, and I was shown two places by way of spikes of pain piercing me in these two places. The first was confirmed by the medical system and despite their nagging me for being ‘woo woo’ and even accused of ‘risking my life’ by delaying surgery to self heal, I was successful at clearing the cancer through what would be best described as psychic surgery. At the time of this process I was told that only one could be healed. For the abdomen cancer it was a big ‘X’ – a big no. I couldn’t work out why.

All those new age practices like visualisation or managing frequency came up with the ‘X’ too. People claim you can heal yourself just by believing you can heal. It was another level for me – I KNEW I could heal because I’d had success previously, but I couldn’t work out why my spirit team wouldn’t let me with the second lot. Anytime I would get close to having traditional medical interventions to help with it something would happen and the referral would be delayed, or the appointment moved out. I knew that the cancer was growing bigger by the day through all this. It was over three years knowing I had cancer cells in my body and no amount of treatment on Earth and in other realms was permitted. It was beyond comprehension how so many chance delays kept preventing me from getting help.

One of the gifts of being a medium is that we can be very specific and accurate. Recently my spirit team told me that the cancer started in my abdomen muscle and was now in my liver and if treatment delayed too long it would end up in my spleen too. I was told it had grown to a 6cm diameter mass after all the delays. I feared I would get to a point that it would be untreatable, even by spirit. When I asked my spirit team how to heal this bout I was shown that I had to go through radiation therapy and that I would lose my hair (ugh… I love my grey hair!). It was irritating to say the least that I’d have to go through this medical process rather than have my spirit team do it with me. There didn’t seem to be a reason why the first bout could be healed but not this one. When I asked why it couldn’t be healed I was told it made a good story.

Given the fact I had proven that spirit could accurately identify cancer with the first round, there is no way there wasn’t cancer in my body with the second. In meditation I could see the size of it growing over time and my fear of running out of time kept increasing. I have such empathy now for those given a diagnosis by doctors and told they only have a certain percentage chance of survival or for those who have been given a use-by date by the traditional medical system. This mindset is certainly going to limit their ability to live with positivity or to even heal outside the medical system even when it is possible. This death sentence is highly stressful and I know now it compounded my ability to heal. I nearly gave up trying too.

If you’re like me and having a tangible experience with what we refer to as other realms or the other side you will know how physical, biological, scientific, mathematical and mental it can be. Spirituality is quite complex and isn’t as one dimensional as so many think it is. Some think you can simply will what they want into existence, or believe whole-heartedly in an outcome to bring something they desire into reality. Some say ‘all you need to do is believe’. Some say all you need to do is change our vibration (frequency) to attract the things we want, or to visualise our perfect life. Some think you have no control and need to leave it all to ‘God’s Will’. Someone even insisted to me that I had cancer in my body because of unresolved issues in my family. My spiritual mentor suggested I meet with my spirit council, the governing body who is in charge of my wellbeing down here and whom my spirit team is accountable to. Nope, they also said no. I was simply reminded that Christ came to Earth as Jesus of Nazareth (who knowingly went through a traumatic crucifixion with nails hammered through his hands and feet and hung to die an excruciating death, on a cross in the blaring sun with his persecutors jeering and enjoying watching him die before them). I was reminded that I ‘don’t have blood on my hands and have just gotten a bit dirty’, by comparison to Christ. That was very humbling. All of these concepts are unhelpful when people believe they are the whole deal as they make people believe they are failing or unworthy if they can’t cure themselves or change their outcomes in the material world.

To cure myself I was willing to consider all options and worked through all of these things to no avail. I still got the big ‘X’ – a big fat no, continually, any way I turned. I learned everything there is to know about spiritual healing and even subconscious work to resolve this and nothing worked. The one thing I know is most people think they are the expert and they judge people who are not having the outcome they believe in! People are very engrained in their own belief systems, including mainstream medical systems and science, and that’s even the most spiritually educated or new age woke.

The last thing on my list was looking at my pre-birth plan that my greater self set for me to experience down here in this lifetime. There was definitely an experience of cancer to heal, but luckily I could see it would also be healed (thankfully!). I realise now that some of us choose to have cancer for various reasons including using it as an exit strategy (in order for our body to die and transition). Some choose it to gain an appreciation of life down here, and some for the love they experience from others around them when they’d been taken for granted otherwise. Some choose this experience to appreciate the privilege of being human and to treat the vessel we live in with more respect. For me, it was apparently to ‘write a good story’. I was shown a scene of myself sitting at a type writer with a number of souls lined up and taking turns sitting in my body to experience for themselves through my writing. [Insert human eye roll here…sometimes my greater spiritual self is super annoying to my human self!]

Our spiritual journey here is pre-determined and in my experience when your own higher self has set the agenda for life down here it is near impossible to change it. Our greater self is the one calling the shots. It is our higher self who really has been granted the right of free will. It is not us down here in physical 3D, despite what many religious people or positive life coach types assume. We can make choices down here but we really only have the right of way to choose the path we take to get to these pre-determined milestones. If we resist our pre-scripted path then everything is likely to fall apart until we do go that way (like it was with me!). All of our spirit team are obedient to our greater self and working tirelessly to help deliver on that. Sometimes that can feel like there is a force working against us down here on physical Earth! That’s what I was experiencing with this healing and why I constantly got the ‘X’ despite my belief system and will. There was a particular process I had to go through and I hadn’t found it yet. It feels like there are guard rails up preventing certain things from happening and channeling our focus and outcomes into others.

Most of the foundational secrets of our reality live in what some people call our Akashic Records, or as others know it, as the Unified Field of consciousness. It is one giant unity of all that exists, ever existed and ever will. I prefer the scientific language to ensure we’re not layering religious belief systems or new age concepts over something as tangible as gravity. This unified field, holding all consciousness and all matter together, has been described as the constant and ever-enduring memory of the universe, holding the knowledge of everything that has ever happened on Earth or in the wider cosmos. I see it as the field that holds every thought ever thought. If you like your privacy, well you can forget it! I’ve learned that it also holds those future events and possibilities that are all existing simultaneously.

There are a number of influences that impact us down here, moment to moment. There’s a much longer list than many of us think. Firstly, our higher self is a spiritual being who feels every bit as real as we do in this body down here on Earth. For those who experience out of body practices, or the thousands who have been through NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) all explain how they feel the same as they do in their human body, even when they leave it. As they leave their human bodies behind, it is universal that they feel like they are leaving an empty skin suit behind and continuing on as we usually might as a conscious being. Our greater self is so vast and able to be in multiple places at once as a unified consciousness with the collective, and ultimately is merged with the intelligent creator of all. Our greater self has the experience and learning gained from many, perhaps hundreds or thousands, of other lifetimes here on Earth and on other planets. We can only imagine the learnings this provides us about the wider cosmos, about others and ourselves that our human self has little concept of. We call these other experiences past lifetimes, but ultimately they are all happening in parallel as a multidimensional universe, along with a bunch of future possibilities lining up for us. For those doubters reading this, it is time now that the concept of past lives, regardless if they are linear past or simultaneous past, is without question proven now through the multitude of validated research studies. I was a doubter in the beginning too and read a lot of these studies and listened to some leading doctors and scientists who shared their findings before being convinced. It is irrefutable now (regardless of what the current iteration of the bible says about reincarnation, by the way).

Common themes that NDE experiencers, those in deep trance hypnosis and others like me who can channel, often experience is the concept of a pre-birth plan, or to see this plan in the form of a life review. Many of us independently describe this in the very same way. It is nearly always a series of floating holograms, like floating TV screens, with multiple scenes playing simultaneously. Somehow we know which one to look at and we understand the meaning of it instantaneously. We can also feel the emotions or thoughts of others in our life as we watch these scenes. When I saw my pre-birth plan I could see these holograms, much like Tom Cruise in the film Minority Report only they were not perfectly square video screens like we know them on Earth. These holographic screens were vignetted with uneven edges, a little like an illustration in a children’s book might be washed with an uneven painted outline to contain the scene. Only the ones that we are allowed to see become visible, and simply by changing our focus with a thought can we see more details within that particular vignette. When I saw mine, Christ Consciousness was explaining to me why I was experiencing challenges on Earth (that I didn’t particularly like). I was trying to negotiate my way out of them including this cancer (to no avail). I could see these vignettes all added up to my life experiences down here and gave purpose to why I came here. It was explained to me what I had planned for myself to do down here. Some of the vignettes were complete, and some were still unfolding. At the bottom of the series of holograms I could see a line of text running through a long thin holographic container, like a ‘pull-through’ on a TV set announcing breaking news or the latest stock exchange results. This pull-through was blurred out except the key words that I was shown for understanding. These few words moved across the screen until I could read what was intended for me… ‘for all mankind….’ was written. I knew in that moment that I had come to do something that was to be of service to others and if I resisted the challenges I’d designed for myself to experience I was likely to fail in that mission. To fail at my life’s purpose felt like the ultimate failure to myself and to the higher powers in other realms. It is a short-sighted person who blindly focuses on the material aspects of abundance and achievement in this lifetime and doesn’t consider the long term spiritual purpose we actually came here for. When I saw how the planned difficulties coming my way had a bigger purpose, which paled into oblivion compared to Jesus of Nazareth, I’m now bracing myself to get through these challenges ahead the best I can and surrendering to them. I’m seeing myself beyond this skin suit and the material world around me. I’m also learning there are two types of soul. One is in service to others and one is in service to self. Those in service to self are the ones dominating our elite political and business systems currently, and leading the way with wars, conflict and competition. Some of these types are also driving the new age community telling us we can have whatever we want if we visualise it and believe it.

I’ve been able to figure out now what are the aspects of my pre-birth plan that are set in stone for the important purpose that I came here to achieve. However, there’s a lot of room to co-create with the spiritual realm for those steps and stages between these big milestones. The timing is also up for negotiation. I’ve agreed to a couple of big things coming up, but I can set the terms leading up to it, and the method that it will flow to me. When I go back into meditation I can see the new future is now in place with the new terms I set. Seeing the future change is my confirmation that the work I’m doing is paying off.

I’ve come to learn our greater selves are not perfect angels, but are doing the job of learning and growing, just as this version of us here on Earth is learning too. I found a number of unwarranted karmic punishments that my greater self set for me. As a consequence they had lined up some unpleasant experiences to somehow make good on those past accidental wrongs. I find it a limitation and lacking emotional intelligence to resolve a past wrong with another wrong, or to punish ourselves as a being by inflicting the same traumas on ourselves to balance things out in this way. Karma is not automatic as some religions profess. It is the choice of our greater self, exclusively. Karma is not a punishment from any ‘God’ but sometimes is a punishment we inflict on our human selves to ascend on the spiritual plane. Luckily, it is the unwarranted karmic punishments that can be cleared with a good Akashic Reader practitioner.

An example of one of my unwarranted karmic lessons was the result of accidentally killing an ex of mine by pushing them off a building in another lifetime. My greater self felt so guilty for this, and wrote punishments into my human experience to make amends. I find this immature and have been working hard to challenge my greater self with other ways of thinking to resolve this guilt through forgiveness and learning. We do have the ability to show our greater self that an accident is not the same as intending to kill someone and we can release the spiritual hold they have over us through this process.

Our greater self can also put vows over our life here. Vows can be oaths, promises, commitments, bargains, declarations or decisions made based on specific situations in our past. These vows are unconscious to us humans down here, including vows of poverty, doubt, persecution, illness, disability, lovelessness, invisibility, service to others, abuse, conflict, or other similar limits over us. Vows might include a commitment to another spiritual being, no matter how they treat us down here on Earth (explaining why so many of us stay with abusive partners or unloving families). Luckily, many of these vows can be broken through re-writing the Akashic Records and embedding new beliefs into our spiritual, conscious and subconscious minds. Our Akashic Record can be re-written providing they don’t interfere with those major commitments that we came here to do. It all depends on the reasons we write these milestones into our pre-birth plan and it is individualised. No one size fits all like religions tell us.

Some of our greater selves are fulfilling their spiritual growth by experiencing a bit of everything in our human lives in order to have more compassion and understanding for others. We’re all expected to spend time in every possible race, in every different culture, in every possible level of wealth, to be in wartime and peace time, to experience illness and wellness, and experience any other possible combination of experiences that humans face. Not to mention we also have the ability to choose to spend time on other planets for the same purpose of growth.

Depending on the reason for our vows, we can change them. We may not be able to change them until we meet certain milestones or achieve certain outcomes like I’ve discovered connected to the second cancer. We also have a bunch of other limitations over us including spiritual attachments from others who are wishing harm over us (often referred to as psychic vampires or hooks) and blocking certain outcomes from coming to us, emotional hooks or mental patterns from harmful beliefs and judgement from others, negative energies can hang around and impact our thoughts and daily decisions without us knowing they are in the driving seat. There can be lingering negative entities who whisper to us and steer us into making decisions that we think are our own but are not good for us. If our frequency is low we can also attract entities of a low vibration and some of them are ghoul-like who come to suck away our energy and block access to our spiritual team who need a higher frequency to be able to communicate with us. Without their connection to us our intuition won’t operate properly and we don’t have an internal guidance system to help us, even in danger. For those who use substances including alcohol, they can attract souls who have passed over but are still stuck near Earth or can’t yet let go. These negative entities hang around us in the unseen realm, sucking the fumes and substances we consume because of their unresolved addictions. They whisper to us to keep consuming these substances for their own gain too. Gross, I know! Unfortunately there are many of us who can see what’s on the other side and it isn’t all white angels with pretty wings. There is a lot we can do to protect ourselves and to work with our greater self to release those unwarranted and unhealed issues – when we know how. All of these need to be cleared in order for our physical health to be at optimum too, I realise now.

Working with an Akashic Records Reader is the most powerful spiritual practice that I have experienced so far. And, believe me I have been through just about every possible option otherwise! A lot of negativity can be released via the Akashic Records and for all time. However, those pre-birth plans set in place by my greater self have been unavoidable no matter what I do, because they are what I came here to do. No amount of manifestation, vibration management or belief is going to change those. If I do change my future for some reason, through sheer persistence, I can undo a lot of intended good in this lifetime and incur a greater challenge to make good on my failed mission in my next mission. The best I can do is to enjoy the gaps in between these experiences lined up for me, and remember the greater purpose I came here to achieve. As Christ Consciousness said to me about this, ‘Enjoy the unfoldment’. I couldn’t see how to have fun knowing the future when in the past the not knowing was the journey. It is a very weird existence knowing the future, and knowing so much about others around me too. I also know that some people feel creepy knowing that I know what I know about them! Now I live differently and enjoy seeing how things unfold with lots of ‘aha’ moments as the dots are joined up. The best we can do is enjoy the gaps in between and negotiate for some things to go our way while we allow the big milestones to happen as intended.

To make sense of our free will and the pre-birth plan I’ll share an example. Suppose that our greater self set a milestone in our pre-birth plan to travel to Rome. If our human self has no intention or desire to go to Rome we’ll do everything we can to avoid it. It will feel like all roads are forcing us to go that way yet we fight against it every-which-way. We might even get on a plane going to Spain but all of a sudden there is an emergency on the plane and a forced landing sets us down in Rome. Where there is a pre-birth plan in place the outcome will happen, any way it can. You can either go with the flow and enjoy the flight or you can wait for the emergency crash landing.

To think that I knew that I could heal myself with the help of spirit, yet was denied this. It was a really devastating discovery this second time around. I was shown my body in radiation therapy with my spirit team around me chanting the children’s nursery rhyme ‘Patty Cake, Patty cake, bake me a cake, bake me a cake as fast as you can’ to explain that radiation therapy is on the way for me. They even seemed to be mocking me. I think they were taunting me to ramp up the fear and to push me to continue exploring all possible modes of healing.

The last thing I did after all this work was to work on my unwarranted karma, connected to an ex partner. It seems that we have been together in fourteen lifetimes before and each one has been fairly traumatic. He has murdered me gruesomely in nine of these lifetimes and I accidentally pushed him off a building in one lifetime too. I learned that I was punishing myself as a result of this accident. He was very angry with me because of this! To release his psychic hooks over me has been one of the most challenging experiences I’ve been through so far and it has taken every bit of my human discipline and intention, and in the higher levels of consciousness, to cut him free from this entanglement on the spiritual plane. I had to work on cutting my greater self’s attachment to him as well – double trouble! Work in the unified field with an Akashic Records Reader is the one thing that seems to have broken him free, but only with my own work to keep it cleared and to rewire my brain and subconscious to keep it that way. It has taken months of work. Finally, in meditation, I could see the spirit of this ex as if his spirit had been locked between two pieces of glass, much like a star fish shape floating within this glass jail (of sorts). I could see him waving his arms and legs furiously as he fought this type of mind quarantine, that me and my spirit team created to protect me. Any time he breaks free and attaches to me I can feel his presence drain me physically and mentally, and I need to go in and repeat the clearing process. It does get easier and lasts longer each time as he weakens his hooks in me. Since clearing this, it has been like a weight of darkness and illness has been lifted from me, instantaneously. At first I wasn’t aware that this had rewritten the second cancer out of my body, I just knew I felt different.

I finally had a long awaited MRI, and the medical system validated that in the exact position in my body at my liver there is a growth. Yes, it was accurate. However, the good news is that it is now only 3mm big and no longer the threat it was. Some might say this was all it ever was and anything else was my imagination, but what I see is never wrong and I have no reason to doubt. I was quite shocked to see the results so positive after so much hard work to clear it and being told no continually. I wasn’t even aware of the connection between the ex, his psychic hook in me and the illness it created. We must be more conscious of the thoughts we have about others, and what we allow others to hold over us.

In meditation I asked my guides to show me how I changed the future for my health to fully understand, given it was so stubborn to be removed previously. I had pretty much given up trying to resolve it after so much work attempting to. In the meditation I was shown a long line of animals running towards me. They were all at different paces and positions in the path heading my way quite fast. They were all the same, like a cat, mink or otter; all running towards me with one clearly out the front of the others. They were similar animals, but all slightly different. I understood this represented myself and the number of possibilities I was creating through my thoughts, decisions and actions. I know now we don’t live in multiple timelines related to this lifetime but multiple frequencies and holograms as potential. That meant that the cancerous body was the one leading the way at this time. Next, I saw myself standing on a cliff edge about to step forward. I could feel how low energy, unwell and unhappy this version of me felt. I knew that this version of me was about to step into the third dimension here in this timeline, carrying the cancer. At the very last minute another version of myself (a happier, healthier and more energised version) came up and stood beside me, smiled at my old (unwell) self and then stepped off the ledge, leaving the other one behind. Through thought osmosis I knew that the sick version of me had been leading the way until this point and was so close to living it in this dimension, but now a healed version has stepped forward. In the process my body was healed like an instant miracle. It wasn’t because I asked for the illness to be healed, like the first time, nor was it any manifesting practice, visualisation, belief system or vibration frequency tuning. It was only by getting to the root cause of the hooks and attachments on the spiritual realm and then the embedded thought in my subconscious mind that I could release this from my body.

My job now is to keep that ex away from me on all levels of consciousness and to remain healthy! I do still have 3mm to get rid of and I need to keep it at bay by continually checking in with my spirit team to show me what needs to be corrected.

If anyone is wanting to begin their healing path I recommend starting with an Akashic Reader, rather than leave it as the last resort like I did! I still have experiences written in my pre-birth plan that I can’t undo, and nor can any Akashic Reader, but there is a LOT that we can do to help us live better, healthier and more fulfilling lives down here in the meantime. By accepting that our greater self is vulnerable, just as we are, we can show some compassion and forgiveness to ourselves and to them as a greater version of us. The ideal outcome is to move forward together, in this realm and others, as co-creators working together for our growth. We also need to surrender to the bigger plan that is designed to help us achieve the outcomes we destined for ourselves, particularly if we are already in the camp of service to others. So, yes, this made a good story. I hope others learn how to release illness now because of it too.



Anne Miles @alchemyanne
The Non-Believer’s Guide to Modern Prayer

A non-believer who had weird paranormal stuff happening, like purple flames on my body, hearing voices and seeing angels. Turns out I am a medium.