Why new age ‘manifesting’ is doing harm to our wellbeing

There are many in the new age community that believe that we can have whatever we want, if only we managed our vibrational frequency or adjusted our sense of belief. If we don’t have the worldly belongings or experiences that are defined as ‘preferred’, it is as if we are doing something wrong or failing. Many of us in our community are depressed and feeling like we are failing because these material measures such as money, homes, cars, the right job, the right suburb and the right education escape us. All our attempts to visualise, manage our frequency and conjure up these outcomes defy many of us. Disappointingly, we enforce these expectations on ourselves and others based on a misguided construct and are making our society more unhappy for it.

Likewise we also have a religious community that operates almost on the passive opposite end of the spectrum and revert to ‘God’s Will’ as if in the hands of another higher power without needing or wanting our input. This passive place of letting anything and everything happen to us as it falls before us comes from the belief that a man in a chair in heaven is deciding our future and what is best for us. This belief and passivity is often limiting our potential and even the potential of our spiritual purpose and development through our inaction here on Earth.

Having been a person who rejected religion as a young adult, after observing the hypocrisy of those who call themselves ‘Of God’. I saw people who brought negativity to the world by way of judgement, oppression, exclusion, and generally unloving behaviours. At the end of the spectrum causing wars and serious harm to others. Some even do a lot of practical support for others, defined as ‘charitable acts’, yet neglect those closest to them at the same time. Many do these acts of ‘charity’ for the significance and ego-centric self-importance it brings them.

After rejecting my religious beginning in life, I went through a phase of total self responsibility and with a fierce drive to achieve my own outcomes. I studied hard, now with over twenty-two qualifications in life coaching, healing and self empowerment skills, thinking I could take charge of my own life by becoming ‘better’. I believed that all my outcomes were my own responsibility and of my own doing. I believed that my outcomes were exclusively the result of my knowledge, my decisions, setting goals and taking the action that I chose for myself. I believed that if I knew how to do things differently I could create more preferable outcomes for myself. However, the harder I pushed, it seemed to drive my goals further away from myself and my children. Eventually the world I thought I needed for myself collapsed. Everything material I defined myself by was no longer there for me. This pushing and driving my life forward didn’t work for me either. I even lost a sense of who I was without religion and without third dimensional measures of success.

Through experience and now becoming a medium I am able to see what’s ‘on the other side’ of our human three dimensional reality. I now know the truth lies beyond both these levels of belief systems. There is a quantum reality that has a set of rules we’re generally not taught. We come to Earth without the memory of who we are, and we don’t remember how to function in the multidimensional world we live in. We then revert to what we know; either new age practices or traditional belief systems that oppose each other and divide us.

Like watching television or listening to the radio, we cannot see any other channels than the channel we are on in that moment. If we are on the new age ‘manifesting’ channel we are unlikely to see the full scope of our reality. If we are in a faith based, passive, belief state, that’s all we are going to see likewise.

When we get beyond these belief based systems, a new reality opens up to us and we begin to experience a world of co-creation with our own higher consciousness and the singularity of our universal existence. We realise that there are multiple levels of mindset limitations, sub-conscious limitations, trapped emotions in our bodies, the physical actions and inactions we take, the wounds and impacts on our etheric energetic self caused by our interpretation of our experiences, but also the impacts of others on psychic planes who want to either support or harm us. It can be others who put limits over us, stand in our way and cause us to be limited and prevent us from achieving our best version of ourselves down here on Earth or in the multiple levels of reality around us. Others can be past life adversaries, ancestors who want us to carry their beliefs forward, or the spiritual consciousness of those who we wronged or wronged us in this lifetime.

Most of all when we work through all those levels of being and get to the highest level of our own self we find our spiritual, higher self, we realise they are the one that drives the bus (so to speak). It is by being in alignment with our higher self that together we create the flow state forward. Or, alternatively we put some blocks in our way. This impact on is regardless of what our human self chooses and decides. Some call this sense of free will of our higher consciousness our pre-birth plan. Before coming to earth in each lifetime we set a type of game play or script for the experiences and outcomes we want to achieve for ourselves and it seems we need to seek permission to run that script here in order to be one of the few who are chosen to come here. Some of these experiences are designed for our highest good, to overcome the blocks and limits we’ve identified from other lifetimes, sometimes to become an expanded version of ourselves and other times to bring something to humanity that we identified was within our skillset and purpose before coming here.

If you as a human put your life coaching type thinking in place and push hard against your own higher will, it can cause a huge conflict. I can guarantee that the more powerful version of ourselves is our spiritual and higher self, rather than this new memoryless earth-bound version of us. The trick is to learn, through meditation and how we feel as we move forward, what our higher self wants for us and determine what is negotiable and what is not negotiable.

The world of new age self development can be a very driven, high energy push against something in order to achieve some forward momentum. We write goals and aim to get to them no matter what, in a very cerebral and deliberate way using our thinking mind. Sometimes this high energy frequency can be the very thing that doesn’t allow it to flow into us. No matter how hard you push if you are fighting your higher self I can assure you that you are unlikely to win. Our eternal higher self is a highly intelligent and all knowing giant version of this small human being.

As a faith based religious believer who succumbs their potential to the will of a greater force, they too are at the risk of not achieving what their higher self set for themselves to achieve down here on earth for their spiritual progression. This blind and detached faith and the inherent passivity could be the very thing that stunts their spiritual progression as much as the new age go-getter. If you put your faith in something else you can miss the inspired action needed to move you forward. You can be waiting for some bigger clue or some bigger result to be done for you in order to move forward. I’ve learned that our higher spiritual self is under a requirement that our progress and exposure to the learning we need is generally no more than ten percent more than where we are now.

Someone who is inspired to save a small amount of money each week or take a small step to growing new streams of income, eventually create the wealth they desire. Compare that with someone who is faithfully waiting for the giant windfall through winning the lotto or by the ‘hand of God’ somehow, they can end up empty handed. Those who are waiting for ‘God’s Will’ may never move forward and achieve the abundance and wealth that they are entitled to.

I found myself working through so many layers of my being and breaking free of past trauma to reveal that no matter what I did, a vow of poverty and suffering that my higher self had chosen for this lifetime could never let me achieve the goals I ‘preferred’. It was something I discovered through accessing the highest source of all information of the higher intelligence that exists in everything. Once we are able to access this information we can see what is determined for us and what we have the ability to change. Our higher self is an individual and has its own life experience as an eternal spiritual being and can sometimes overlay some unresourceful ideas over us in all levels of our being. Our higher self is not perfect either and is learning as we are down here. As an emotionally intelligent human we can teach our higher eternal selves sometimes and help them let go the trauma’s that they’re unnecessarily holding onto. Like when there are those people who died indirectly because of our decisions, we can blame ourselves and choose to punish ourselves in this lifetime to somehow make amends for that issue. Our human self can explain how it wasn’t our fault and can release the vows created by our higher self and release this limited thinking. By releasing the limits in our human self and our higher self we get to a place of genuine co-creation.

The religious community remind us that we have free will down here as humans but don’t really understand that free will is both for our eternal higher self and the earth bound part of us at the same time. If they don’t work together they work against each other.

We are multi-dimensional beings and multiple layers of our being needs to be managed to be able to co-create a harmonious life, balancing the here and now with the higher version of ourselves and reconciling with the purpose we came here for. There are some outcomes that cannot be re-negotiated no matter how hard we try, but the path to get there and the other conditions around our life here can be determined by us as humans. So, then, we achieve a state of co-creation with some things we can change and some things we need to learn how to allow.

It isn’t exciting at all for people like me who can see the future ahead and know that certain difficulties are not negotiable. I’ve worked on all levels of being to change these outcomes but my higher self is too powerful (even stubborn) to allow my resistance. If I choose to avoid this experience one way, another is created ready for me to replace it and often far more challenging than the first one ever was. I’m learning that I am now having to live in a state of acceptance that some of my experiences are designed for a higher good or higher purpose and no matter how uncomfortable they may be they are important for a raft of reasons. It is sometimes like living with a death sentence which can be very stressful! Learning to live with the fear and embrace it for the outcome on the other side is still a difficult pill to swallow. If I didn’t see the way forward and consciously look for the flow state or the most inspired steps forward I could also miss the clues and the small actions when combined will take me to the best possible future.

Some of us can push and drive for certain outcomes for ourselves, and worse still to impose them on our children and other loved ones. It can be that those around us chose to be of service to us in this lifetime and to bring us challenges we need, to drive us toward our real purpose here. I heard of two women who had a brother who was homeless. The two sisters pushed him and judged him for this life he chose for himself and did everything they could to change him. Some of us even see this as being compassionate or charitable. In this case the brother volunteered to come into this lifetime to play a role to teach the women about unconditional love. If we think we are being ‘charitable’ by being judgmental and forcing our own outcomes on others, we are not progressing spiritually. If we believe in driving others to achieve certain outcomes based on judgment or material desires we are likely to fail and even limit our spiritual progression and theirs. Everyone has their own journey and we can’t compare ourselves to others. Everyone has been harmed in many other lifetimes and we too have harmed others. We are all equals in an eternal, unconditionally loving universe and we can’t judge anyone else’s journey.

Believe me, I have pushed hard – both away from challenges I didn’t want for me and my children, and also towards the direction I wanted for us. The future that is unfolding now is by co-creating with my higher self and may be nothing like I would have imagined for myself. It could be better than I ever imagined. The future will be what is mine to have.

The future ahead has some BIG challenges that are unavoidable, but it seems to me that they will all be worth it if I get to achieve what my higher self designed for me down here. It is a future bigger than I would have ‘manifested’ for myself through new age practices.

I channel Christ Consciousness now and he tells me to stop visualisation practices, and to stop creating vision boards that aspire a limited version of myself. It is both the Christian way of belief that keeps us passive and limiting our future, as much as the push and drive to a future we think we want for ourselves.

When we become more like the frequency of our higher self we are more likely to be able to experience a flow with them and to work as co-creators for our experience here on this frequency of Earth, and on other dimensions as our higher eternal spiritual self. Just by reading this you too are opening up the opportunity for a new reality to exist for yourself. You are opening up the ability to choose to remain stuck in your old beliefs or let them go for some new ones. The real question is whether our beliefs systems are working for us, and not just in this reality on Earth at this time, but for all dimensional aspects of ourselves. Many are unlikely to consider we are larger than we seem.

So, if you too are ready to become co-creators then taking responsibility for our limits on every level of being is a good place to start. If I had my time again I would dive into what some call the ‘Akashic Records’ with an Akashic Reader before anything else. It is there you can see what your higher self is dealing with in terms of limits and challenges, but also for the future and the purpose here in this lifetime. Having a ‘Soul Blueprint’ helps us know why we are here and the gifts we hold in order to achieve our higher purpose. We can also see those blocks, vows, attachments and entities who are getting in the way. Some of our future can be re-written but we learn that some of it is set in stone by our higher self to be embraced for the potential embedded in these experiences.

Turning off our busy mind with noisy begging and pleading prayer needs to stop. Speaking in monotonous unfeeling rote scripted prayer also needs to stop. They both block an actual experience of our higher self and a higher spiritual world. Daily meditation that allows in an actual experience of spirit and allows in the guidance to our path forward is a state of co-creation. This helps us identify the right steps forward – those that are inspired and in flow. Ask and allow, then take the inspired small steps forward and eventually we’ll achieve what we came to do. It is unlikely to be the outcomes that our new age mind define for us and we are trying to ‘manifest’ from a human level. If we allow our human mind to win against our higher self it is pretty likely we’ll be back another lifetime to live this same challenge over again because we blocked our growth this time around.



Anne Miles @alchemyanne
The Non-Believer’s Guide to Modern Prayer

A non-believer who had weird paranormal stuff happening, like purple flames on my body, hearing voices and seeing angels. Turns out I am a medium.