Rebooting the Blog

Matt Homann
the [non]billable hour
2 min readDec 28, 2015
Image Copyright Matthew Homann. All Rights Reserved.

In January 2016 I’ll have been “writing” this blog for 12 years. I put “writing” in quotes because the truth is I’ve written it for nine, ignored it for two and abandoned it for one. It still gets a handful of visits every day, and I regularly dip into old posts for writing I do elsewhere, but it hasn’t felt fresh or current to me for quite some time.

And though I’m immensely proud of the 1500+ posts on this blog, they are practically invisible to anyone other than a few Googling searchers and old-time readers who’ve stashed the links away for their reference.

Thus, I’m taking a page from Star Wars, Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Godzilla, etc. and rebooting this blog. According to Wikipedia:

to reboot means to discard all continuity in an established series in order to recreate its characters, timeline and backstory from the beginning. The term is used with respect to various different forms of fictional media such as comic books, television series, video games, and films among others.

Though the old blog will stay pretty much preserved in amber (to borrow another rebooted film franchise’s plot device), I’ll be reposting favorites, reworking dated posts and updating my advice and insights over here on Medium.

I’ll also be writing more about facilitation, meetings, conferences and innovation at my new startup Filament.

And who knows, now that I’ve got 10,000 square feet of innovative meeting space, it might be time for another LexThink.

Stay tuned.

Originally published at on December 28, 2015.



Matt Homann
the [non]billable hour

Creative entrepreneur helping smart people think, meet and learn together better. Filament Founder & CEO. I’ve got Idea Surplus Disorder real bad